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Wasmer is a blazing fast and secure WebAssembly runtime that enables incredibly lightweight containers to run anywhere: from Desktop to the Cloud, Edge and your browser.

Install Wasmer

curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh
<details> <summary>Other installation options (Powershell, Brew, Cargo, ...)</summary>

Wasmer can be installed from various package managers. Choose the one that fits best for your environment:

Looking for more installation options? See the wasmer-install repository to learn more!


Note: You can also try Wasmer online in wasmer.sh


You can start by running Cowsay:

$ wasmer run cowsay "hello world"
< hello world >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
               ||----w |
                ||     ||

There are many more available packages, such as wasmer/python or quickjs. Create your own package, or explore packages from the community: https://wasmer.io/explore

Here is what you can do next:

Wasmer SDK

You can use the Wasmer runtime embedded in different languages with the Wasmer SDK:

Rust logoRustwasmer Rust crateLearn
C logoCwasm.h headerLearn
C++ logoC++wasm.hh headerLearn
C# logoC#WasmerSharp NuGet packageLearn
D logoDwasmer Dub packageLearn
Zig logoZigwasmer Zig packageLearn
Python logoPythonwasmer PyPI packageLearn
JS logoJavascript@wasmerio NPM packagesLearn
Go logoGowasmer Go packageLearn
PHP logoPHPwasm PECL packageLearn
Ruby logoRubywasmer Ruby GemLearn
Java logoJavawasmer/wasmer-jni Bintray packageLearn
R logoRno published packageLearn
Postgres logoPostgresno published packageLearn
Swift logoSwiftno published package
Dart logoDartwasm pub package
Crystal logoCrystalno published packageLearn
Lisp logoLispno published package
Julia logoJuliano published package
VLang logoVno published package
Ocaml logoOCamlwasmer OCaml package

👋  Missing a language?


We have different guides to help you develop Wasmer:


We appreciate your help! 💜

We recommend reading the following guide on how to contribute into a complex project successfully: https://mitchellh.com/writing/contributing-to-complex-projects

Check our docs on how to build Wasmer from source or test your changes.

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Wasmer has an amazing community of developers and contributors. Welcome, please join us! 👋

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