

VUzzer(64) Version 1.0


This VUzzer is basically a 64-bit version of the original VUzzer (https://github.com/vusec/vuzzer). We have made several changes to make it work on 64-bit. Main efforts are made by Vivek (githubID: vivek425ster) to lift LibDFT to work on 64-bit. This part is still in testing/development phase (which means taint analysis may have bugs!). Functionality wise, this version of VUzzer is same as the original 32-bit VUzzer (with few bugs fixed!).

Originally (in turn), this Project depends heavily on a modified version of DataTracker, which in turn depends on LibDFT pintool. It has some extra tags added in libdft. DataTracker original repo https://github.com/m000/dtracker. The modified code is included with this distribution.

Running the VUzzer:

Please see wikiHOWTO.md for a step-by-step procedure to run the VUzzer. This file also contains explanation for most of the options. Also read "datatemp/REDME-dataSet.md" for more information about the datasets and configurations that we used in original VUzzer paper. We have provided seed inputs for several applications in "datatemp" folder.

NOTE: VUzzer's taintflow analysis does not work on binaries compiled with sanitizers pass (e.g. address sanitizer). Therefore, do not involve VUzzer in an experiment where sanitizer enabled binaries are used.


The requirements for running VUzzer64 are:

We have tested VUzzer by running it on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Linux 4.15.0 image.


Follow the steps to install VUzzer64:

0. cd vuzzer64
1. export PIN_HOME=path_to_pin_directory
2. export PIN_ROOT=path_to_pin_directory
3. export DFT_HOME=$(pwd)/libdft64
4. cd fuzzer-code
5. make
6. cd ../libdft64
7. make
9. cd ..

Follow wikiHOWTO.md to run VUzzer.