

:point_right: VUzzer 64-bit is available at:<br/> https://github.com/vusec/vuzzer64



This Project depends heavily on a modeified version of DataTracker, which in turn depends on LibDFT pintool. It has some extra tags added in libdft. DataTracker original repo https://github.com/m000/dtracker.

Running the VUzzer:

Please see wikiHOWTO.md for a step-by-step procedure to run the VUzzer. This file also contains explanation for most of the options.

:point_right: NOTE: VUzzer's taintflow analysis does not work on binaries compiled with sanitizers pass (e.g. address sanitizer). Therefore, do not involve VUzzer in an experiment where sanitizer enabled binaries are used.


DataTracker runs on 32bit Linux systems. This limitation is imposed by the current version of libdft. However, the methods of both software are not platform-specific. So, in principle, they can be ported on any platform supported by Intel Pin. The requirements for running DataTracker are:

$ cd vuzzer
$ ln -s /path-to-pin-home pin

We have tested VUzzer by running in on VirtualBox, with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (32-bit), Linux image. It should be noted that with kernel 4.x.y, Pin (2.13) gets panic. We recommend setting up the same environment to use VUzzer. This limitation will be addressed in the future release of VUzzer with 64-bit support.


First do cd vuzzer and then

export PIN_ROOT=$(pwd)/pin

If initially libdft has been made then go to support/libdft/src and do make clean Again in the parent folder execute following

make support-libdft
make -f mymakefile

If all above steps were successfull, obj-ia32/dtracker.so and obj-i32/bbcounts2.so will be created. This is Pin tool containing all the instrumentation required to perform taintflow and basic block level tracing.

Changing the tags

Currently there are 4 custom tags

Default tag is ```libdft_tag_ewag``. To change the tag you need to change following two files:

*** Note: Use same LIBDFT_TAG_FLAGS in both make file and make sure you do make clean for libdft before building libdft again ***


Capturing raw provenance

To capture provenance from a program, launch it from the unix shell using something like this:

./pin/pin.sh -follow_execv -t ./obj-ia32/dtracker.so -filename <name_of_file> -- <program> <args>

Compulsory Knob:

*** Note: Please ensure that you supply the name of file of which you want to know the taint information. Otherwise there would be no taint propogation. ***

The command runs the program under Pin In addition to the standard Pin knobs, DataTracker additionally supports these tool-specific knobs:

Note that launching large programs using the method above takes a lot of time. For such programs, it is suggested to first launch the program and then attach DataTracker to the running process like this:

./pin/pin.sh -follow_execv -pid <pid> -t ./obj-ia32/dtracker.so <knobs>

The raw provenance generated by DataTracker is contained in file rawprov.out. Any additional debugging information are written in file pintool.log.

CMP Output Format (cmp.out)

cmp.out will contain all those compare instructions whose operand is tainted by some offset of file. All instructions will be represented by a row containing 13 space separated values as below:

Bit-operation cmp-type ins-address dest[0] dest[1] dest[2] dest[3] src[0] src[1] src[2] src[3] dest_val src_val

8 reg reg 0x08048532 {0} {} {} {} {2} {} {} {} Z a