

Gem Version travis-ci


A simple Ruby client for RediSearch module http://redisearch.io/


First of all, you need to install RediSearch, if you haven't yet:

  1. Install Redis 4.0.1 or highger https://github.com/antirez/redis/releases/tag/4.0.1
  2. Install RediSearch 1.2.0 or higher http://redisearch.io/Quick_Start/
  3. Edit your redis.conf file and add a loadmodule directive to load the RediSearch module built in the step 2.

To install this gem, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'redisearch-rb'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install redisearch-rb

In order to run the tests, it's necessary to set some env variables (see .env.example):


require 'redisearch-rb'

redis = Redis.new(url: REDIS_URL)
redisearch_client = RediSearch.new('test_idx', redis)

schema = ['title', 'TEXT', 'WEIGHT', '2.0',
          'director', 'TEXT', 'WEIGHT', '1.0',
          'year', 'NUMERIC', 'SORTABLE']

redisearch_client.create_index(schema, { nooffsets: true })
# => "OK"

docs = [['id_1', ['title', 'Lost in translation', 'director', 'Sofia Coppola', 'year', '2004']],
        ['id_2', ['title', 'Ex Machina', 'director', 'Alex Garland', 'year', '2014']]]
redisearch_client.add_docs(docs, { replace: true })
# => ["OK", "OK"]

# See query syntax here: http://redisearch.io/Query_Syntax/
redisearch_client.search('lost|machina', { withscores: true, limit: ['0', '2'] })
# => [{"title"=>"Ex Machina", "director"=>"Alex Garland", "year"=>"2014", "score"=>"2", "id"=>"id_2"},
#   {"title"=>"Lost in translation", "director"=>"Sofia Coppola", "year"=>"2004", "score"=>"1", "id"=>"id_1"}]

redisearch_client.search('@year:[2003 2017]', { sortby: ['year', 'asc'], limit: ['0', '1'] })
# => [{"title"=>"Lost in translation", "director"=>"Sofia Coppola", "year"=>"2004", "id"=>"id_1"}]

redisearch_client.search('@year:[2003 2017]', { sortby: ['year', 'asc'], limit: ['1', '1'] })
# => [{"title"=>"Ex Machina", "director"=>"Alex Garland", "year"=>"2014", "score"=>"2", "id"=>"id_2"}


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/vruizext/redisearch-rb.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.