

This repository has been archived.

Important Notice

This project has been moved to a new repository and renamed. Please visit the new repository for the latest updates and information:

Proxus MQTT Bench

ThingsOn MQTT Bench

ThingsOn MQTT Bench is a simple Cross-platform .NET Core benchmark tool for MQTT brokers. It measures the maximum number of messages that can be sent to the broker in a specified amount of time.




To use ThingsOn MQTT Bench, first make sure that you have .NET 7 installed on your system. Then, download the latest release of ThingsOn MQTT Bench for your operating system from the releases page.

Once you have downloaded the tool, you can run it from the command line by navigating to the directory where the tool is located and running the following command:

dotnet ThingsOn.MQTT.Bench.dll

By default, the tool will read its settings from a TOML file named config.toml in the same directory as the tool. You can customize the settings by editing this file.


The following settings are available in the config.toml file:

Building from Code

To build ThingsOn MQTT Bench from code, follow these steps:

  1. Install .NET 7.
  2. Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/volkanalkilic/ThingsOn.MQTT.Bench.git

  1. Navigate to the cloned repository directory:
  2. Build the project using the following command:
dotnet build

  1. Once the project has built successfully, you can run the benchmark using the following command:
dotnet run --project ThingsOn.MQTT.Bench


Contributions to ThingsOn MQTT Bench are welcome! If you find a bug or would like to suggest a new feature, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

If you would like to contribute code to ThingsOn MQTT Bench, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.

Built With


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.