

macmon – Mac Monitor

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Sudoless performance monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon processors.

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</div> <div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vladkens/macmon/blob/assets/macmon.png?raw=true" alt="preview" /> </div>


Apple Silicon processors don't provide an easy way to see live power consumption. I was interested in this information while testing local LLM models. asitop is a nice and simple TUI to quickly see current metrics, but it reads data from powermetrics and requires root privileges. macmon uses a private macOS API to gather metrics (essentially the same as powermetrics) but runs without sudo. 🎉

🌟 Features

🍺 Install via Homebrew

You can install macmon using brew:

$ brew install macmon

🖥️ Install via MacPorts

You can also install macmon using MacPorts:

$ sudo port install macmon

📦 Install from source

  1. Install Rust toolchain

  2. Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/vladkens/macmon.git && cd macmon
  1. Build and run:
cargo run -r
  1. (Optionally) Binary can be moved to bin folder:
sudo cp target/release/macmon /usr/local/bin

🚀 Usage

Usage: macmon [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  pipe   Output metrics in JSON format
  debug  Print debug information
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -i, --interval <INTERVAL>  Update interval in milliseconds [default: 1000]
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version

  c - change color
  v - switch charts view: gauge / sparkline
  q - quit

🚰 Piping

You can use the pipe subcommand to output metrics in JSON format, which is suitable for piping into other tools or scripts. For example:

macmon pipe | jq

This command runs macmon in "pipe" mode and navigate output to jq for pretty-printing.

You can also specify the number of samples to run using -s or --samples parameter (default: 0, which runs indefinitely), and set update interval in milliseconds using the -i or --interval parameter (default: 1000 ms). For example:

macmon pipe -s 10 -i 500 | jq

This will collect 10 samples with an update interval of 500 milliseconds.


  "temp": {
    "cpu_temp_avg": 43.73614,         // Celsius
    "gpu_temp_avg": 36.95167          // Celsius
  "memory": {
    "ram_total": 25769803776,         // Bytes
    "ram_usage": 20985479168,         // Bytes
    "swap_total": 4294967296,         // Bytes
    "swap_usage": 2602434560          // Bytes
  "ecpu_usage": [1181, 0.082656614],  // (Frequency MHz, Usage %)
  "pcpu_usage": [1974, 0.015181795],  // (Frequency MHz, Usage %)
  "gpu_usage": [461, 0.021497859],    // (Frequency MHz, Usage %)
  "cpu_power": 0.20486385,            // Watts
  "gpu_power": 0.017451683,           // Watts
  "ane_power": 0.0,                   // Watts
  "all_power": 0.22231553,            // Watts
  "sys_power": 5.876533,              // Watts
  "ram_power": 0.11635789,            // Watts
  "gpu_ram_power": 0.0009615385       // Watts (not sure what it means)

🤝 Contributing

We love contributions! Whether you have ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Your input is essential in helping us improve macmon 💪

📝 License

macmon is distributed under the MIT License. For more details, check out the LICENSE.

🔍 See also

PS: One More Thing... Remember, monitoring your Mac's performance with macmon is like having a personal trainer for your processor — keeping those cores in shape! 💪