


crate documentation minimum rustc 1.74 rust 2021 edition

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A nvtop-inspired command line tool for Apple Silicon Macs: aka M1, M2, ... This is basically a reimplemented version of asitop in Rust.

UtilizationCPU Clusters, GPU, ANEHistory & current values. ANE util. is measured via power
PowerCPU, GPU, ANE, total packageHistory & current values
FrequencyCPU Clusters, GPUCurrent avg. values
FrequencyCPU Clusters, GPUplannedResidency distrib. histograms
MemoryRAM & Swap: size and usageApple removed memory bandwidth from powermetrics.

To gather data, Pumas uses both the macOS built-in powermetrics utility, and the sysinfo crate (same data as htop).

The built-in powermetrics allows access to a variety of hardware performance counters. Note that Pumas requires sudo to run only due to powermetrics needing root access to run.

Pumas is lightweight and has minimal performance impact.


brew install graelo/tap/pumas


cargo install pumas


sudo pumas run

Use the arrow keys to switch between tabs. Press Esc, q or x to quit.


Overview Tab: global metrics for utilization and power consumption.

Overview dark

Overview light

CPU Tab: per-cluster CPU utilization (with short history) and frequency (with short history)



GPU Tab: GPU utilization (with short history) and frequency (with short history)



SoC Tab: misc info about the SoC





$ pumas --help
A power usage monitor for Apple Silicon.

Usage: pumas <COMMAND>

  run                  Run the power usage monitor
  generate-completion  Print a shell completion script to stdout
  help                 Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Pumas can run in two modes: UI mode (the default) and JSON mode.

$ pumas run --help
Run the power usage monitor

Usage: pumas run [OPTIONS]

  -i, --sample-rate <SAMPLE_RATE_MS>
          Update rate (milliseconds): min: 100 [default: 1000]
      --history-size <HISTORY_SIZE>
          History buffer size: default: 128 [default: 128]
      --accent-color <ACCENT_COLOR>
          Accent color for labels: ASCII code in 0~255, default: green [default: 2]
      --gauge-fg-color <GAUGE_FG_COLOR>
          Gauge foreground color: ASCII code in 0~255, default: green [default: 2]
      --gauge-bg-color <GAUGE_BG_COLOR>
          Gauge background color: ASCII code in 0~255, default: white [default: 7]
      --history-fg-color <HISTORY_FG_COLOR>
          History foreground color: ASCII code in 0~255, default: blue [default: 4]
      --history-bg-color <HISTORY_BG_COLOR>
          History background color: ASCII code in 0~255, default: white [default: 7]
          Print metrics to stdout as JSON instead of running the UI
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version
          Print version


In JSON mode, Pumas will stream metrics to stdout as JSON instead of running the UI. You can then pipe the metrics to jq, or create a node-exporter for Prometheus, etc.

For instance, the following command will stream the active ratio of the third CPU core of the first CPU cluster at each sample interval:

$ sudo pumas run --json | jq '.metrics.e_clusters[0].cpus[2].active_ratio'

The JSON schema and an example are available in the schema directory.

Quick Launch

Some users reported they want a shorter way to launch Pumas. A quick way to do that is to give your user the ability to sudo run without password the pumas command (and only that command, for security reasons).

To achieve this, let's create a "drop-in" file /etc/sudoers.d/pumas

sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/pumas

Add the following line to the file, replacing username with your username:

username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /opt/homebrew/bin/pumas

If you later remove pumas, you just have to delete this file. It's not a great practice to modify /etc/sudoers directly.

Now you can run sudo pumas run without being asked your password. You're free to add an alias to your shell, such as

alias pumas='sudo pumas run'

Thanks to user @woshiniming007 for the suggestion!

Security considerations

Source of metrics

sysinfo crate is used to measure the following:

powermetrics is used to measure the following:

sysctl is used to measure the following:

system_profiler is used to measure the following:

Some information is guesstimate and hardcoded as there doesn't seem to be a official source for it on the system:


Licensed under the MIT License.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the MIT license, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.

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