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MLOps on Azure

What is MLOps?

MLOps empowers data scientists and app developers to help bring ML models to production. MLOps enables you to track / version / audit / certify / re-use every asset in your ML lifecycle and provides orchestration services to streamline managing this lifecycle.

MLOps podcast

Check out the recent TwiML podcast on MLOps here

How does Azure ML help with MLOps?

Azure ML contains a number of asset management and orchestration services to help you manage the lifecycle of your model training & deployment workflows.

With Azure ML + Azure DevOps you can effectively and cohesively manage your datasets, experiments, models, and ML-infused applications. ML lifecycle

New MLOps features

If you are using the Machine Learning DevOps extension, you can access model name and version info using these variables:

Getting Started / MLOps Workflow

An example repo which exercises our recommended flow can be found here

MLOps Best Practices

Train Model

We recommend the following steps in your CI process:

Operationalize Model

MLOps Solutions

We are committed to providing a collection of best-in-class solutions for MLOps, both in terms of well documented & fully managed cloud solutions, as well as reusable recipes which can help your organization to bootstrap its MLOps muscle. These examples are community supported and are not guaranteed to be up-to-date as new features enter the product.

All of our examples will be built in the open and we welcome contributions from the community!

How is MLOps different from DevOps?

What are the key challenges we wish to solve with MLOps?

Model reproducibility & versioning

Model auditability & explainability

Model packaging & validation

Model deployment & monitoring


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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

Related projects

Microsoft AI Labs Github Find other Best Practice projects, and Azure AI design patterns in our central repository.