Create Secure Batch ML Pipelines
- Install Azure CLI
Create Virtual Network
az group create -l westus -n ASecureMLPlatform
az network vnet create -n mlvnet -g ASecureMLPlatform -l westus --address-prefix --subnet-name mldefault --subnet-prefix
Create Storage Account
az storage account create -n jomitsecuremldata -g ASecureMLPlatform -l westus --sku Standard_LRS --https-only true
az network vnet subnet update -g ASecureMLPlatform --vnet-name mlvnet --name mldefault --service-endpoints "Microsoft.Storage"
$subnetid=(az network vnet subnet show -g ASecureMLPlatform --vnet-name mlvnet --name mldefault --query id --output tsv)
az storage account network-rule add -g ASecureMLPlatform --account-name jomitsecuremldata --subnet $subnetid
Create ML Workspace
az extension add -n azure-cli-ml
$storageid=(az storage account show -n jomitsecuremldata --query id --output tsv)
az ml workspace create -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -l westus --storage-account $storageid
az ml datastore list -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform
az ml datastore set-default -n workspaceblobstore -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform
az storage account update -g ASecureMLPlatform -n jomitsecuremldata --default-action Deny
(Optional) Add Client IP in storage account firewall for access issues outside the network.
(Optional) Entire ML Workspace behind VNET in on roadmap.
Create Data Science Virtual Machine
az group deployment create -g ASecureMLPlatform --template-file dsvm-template.json --parameters dsvm-parameters.json --parameters adminPassword=<Your Password>
(Optional) To enable MSI Authentication for notebooks, create Identity for VM and provide Contributor access to AML Workspace
(Optional) Also try Notebook VM in VNET once GA
Attach AML Remote Compute
az network public-ip update -g ASecureMLPlatform -n jomitsecuremlvm-ip --dns-name jomitsecuremlvm --allocation-method Dynamic
az ml computetarget attach remote -a -n default -u jomit -p <Your Password> -g ASecureMLPlatform -w securemlws --ssh-port 22
Upload Input Datasets
(Optional) You can also create a seperate storage account dedicated for input datasets but for now we will use the storage account associated with the workspace)
az ml datastore upload -n workspaceblobstore -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -p ./data -u /inputdata
Create AML Pipeline
az ml run submit-script -e buildpipeline -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -d ./aml_pipeline/dependencies.yaml ./aml_pipeline/ --target default
az ml dataset list -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform
Run Published Pipeline
az ml run submit-script -e buildpipeline -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -d ./aml_pipeline/dependencies.yaml ./tests/ --target default