

Online demos of our ECCV 2022 paper "Spatial-Separated Curve Rendering Network for Efficient and High-Resolution Image Harmonization".

<b>Jingtang Liang*, <a href='http://vinthony.github.io'>Xiaodong Cun*</a>, <a href='http://www.cis.umac.mo/~cmpun/'>Chi-Man Pun</a>, <a href='https://juew.org/'>Jue Wang</a> </b>

Paper | Code Repo | Demos (this repo) | Google Colab

<p style='align:center'><img src='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4397546/133198989-e4e2cc21-92fd-4f9b-a487-cdb05be3175e.png'><p>

<i>Image harmonization aims to modify the color of the composited region with respect to the specific background. Previous works model this task as a pixel-wise image-to-image translation using UNet family structures. However, the model size and computational cost limit the performability of their models on edge devices and higher-resolution images. To this end, we propose a novel spatial-separated curve rendering network(S<sup>2</sup>CRNet) for efficient and high-resolution image harmonization for the first time. In S<sup>2</sup>CRNet, we firstly extract the spatial-separated embeddings from the thumbnails of the masked foreground and background individually. Then, we design a curve rendering module(CRM), which learns and combines the spatial-specific knowledge using linear layers to generate the parameters of the pixel-wise curve mapping in the foreground region. Finally, we directly render the original high-resolution images using the learned color curve. Besides, we also make two extensions of the proposed framework via the Cascaded-CRM and Semantic-CRM for cascaded refinement and semantic guidance, respectively. Experiments show that the proposed method reduces more than 90% parameters compared with previous methods but still achieves the state-of-the-art performance on both synthesized iHarmony4 and real-world DIH test set. Moreover, our method can work smoothly on higher resolution images in real-time which is more than 10× faster than the existing methods. </i>

Our method runs very fast and can harmonized the image/videos in CPU in near real-time! We have tested the performance on both Linux/Mac M1.


Our method only requires minimal dependences, please check the requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Image Harmonization Demo

We provide a demo.ipynb which shows the learned curve of each stage and the corresponding harmonized images, and the ground truth (target) from the sample dataset. <img width="768" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4397546/205424932-bedd5a6f-9ed5-462b-8ff1-389651f39111.png">

Video Harmonization Demo

We use RobustVideoMatting for video matting and the local video camera as the source video.

python video_harmonization_demo.py

will create a side-by-side view to show the comparsion of the original video, copy-paste directly video and the harmonized video from left to right.

Screen Recording 2022-12-03 at 12 53 36 (online-video-cutter com)


      title={Spatial-Separated Curve Rendering Network for Efficient and High-Resolution Image Harmonization}, 
      author={Jingtang Liang and Xiaodong Cun and Chi-Man Pun and Jue Wang},

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