

ply-parsing-perf: Performance comparisons of PLY parsers

This project provides a command line app which parses PLY files using several different parsing libraries and populates a simple polygon mesh data structure using their results. It produces a report about how long each parser took. The performance report can be formatted as Markdown or CSV.

The task

We measure performance by using each of the parsers to load a PLY file and populate a simple polygon mesh structure. We do this for every file the user specifies on the command line.

The mesh structure that we're populating is:

  struct PolyMesh {
    // Per-vertex data
    float* pos     = nullptr; // has 3*numVerts elements.
    float* normal  = nullptr; // if non-null, has 3 * numVerts elements.
    float* uv      = nullptr; // if non-null, has 2 * numVerts elements.
    uint32_t numVerts   = 0;

    // Per-index data
    int* indices   = nullptr;
    uint32_t numIndices = 0; // number of indices = sum of the number of indices for each face

    // Per-face data
    uint32_t* faceStart = nullptr; // Entry 'i' is the index at which the indices for this face start. It has `numFaces + 1` entries.
    uint32_t numFaces = 0;

    ~PolyMesh() {
      delete[] pos;
      delete[] normal;
      delete[] uv;
      delete[] indices;
      delete[] faceStart;

Each parser must populate the pos, indices and faceStart arrays. The normal and uv arrays must be populated too if the input file contains data for them.

This task was chosen because it's quite similar (though simplified) to the use case that I originally needed a PLY parser for: loading a scene which uses (potentially lots of) PLY files to store all the geometry.

Note that we're loading a polygon mesh rather than a triangle mesh because my test data set contains quite a few PLY files that are quad meshes - or a mix of triangles and quads - and I didn't want the overhead of a polygon triangulation routine in the benchmark. Most ply libraries don't ship their own polygon triangulation code (miniply being the exception) so I'd just be benchmarking that same code against itself over and over.

The parsers

The parsers currently being tested, in alphabetical order:

Detailed results from running this tool on a few different computers can be found in the results-* subdirectories. If you just want the high-level overview, see below.

Disclaimer: The author of this benchmark is also the author of the miniply library. Every effort has been made to keep the performance comparisons as fair as possible, but the usage of miniply may be better optimised simply due to better familiarity. Any improvements to the code will be gratefully received!

The code for this performance testing tool uses the MIT license, but the parsing libraries it uses are each subject to their own licenses.

Parser Notes


When all faces in a PLY file have the same number of vertices, some parsers (miniply, tinyply and msh_ply) can take advantage of that to parse the file much more efficiently.

In general, because we're parsing an unknown set of files, we cannot know in advance how many vertices each face in a given file will have. But there are some important use cases where you might have this knowledge - for example when the PLY files are being generated as an intermediate step in your data pipeline - so we want to be able to benchmark the parsing in that case too (and give each parser a chance to really shine).

Precognition mode simulates having that knowledge by pre-parsing each input file and inspecting its face list.

Add --precognition on the command line to enable precognition mode.

I called it precognition because it's kind of like letting the parsers see into the future in a limited way. :-)

Normal vs. transposed parsing

This is to do with the order in which we process the files with each parser.

"Normal" mode is:

for each file:
  for each parser:
    parse file

whereas "Transposed" mode is:

for each parser:
  for each file:
    parse file


The results in this benchmark are heavily influenced by whether the file is already in the OS's file cache or not. This means whichever parser runs first may be at a disadvantage because its input file may not yet be cached, but parsing it will mean that it is cached by the time we run all the other parsers.

The benchmark works around this by warming up the file cache before running any of the parsers on a given input file. It streams the entire file into memory without attempting to do any parsing, just to make sure it's in the disk cache.

You can disable this behaviour with the --no-prewarm option.

This behaves slightly differently when parsing in transposed mode. In this case we run the prewarm step oncce for all files before running any of the parsers.


As well as reporting the raw parsing times, the benchmark can also display a "slowdown" factor. This is the ratio of the time for parser n to the time for parser 0.

Parser 0 is miniply by default, but you can disable this and any of the other parsers using command line options.

Results - macOS

Precognition off:

ply-parsing-perf --summary --quiet --slowdown --transposed allplyfiles.txt

Collection# filesminiply (Slowdown)happly (Slowdown)tinyply (Slowdown)rply (Slowdown)msh_ply (Slowdown)
pbrt-v3-scenes89295290.716 (1.00x)30290.070 (5.73x)failed16154.438 (3.05x)21370.725 (4.04x)
benedikt-bitterli3032830.308 (1.00x)4451.386 (5.36x)4552.060 (5.48x)2345.797 (2.83x)3211.711 (3.87x)
Stanford3DScans193247.980 (1.00x)20600.456 (6.34x)14793.431 (4.55x)7037.437 (2.17x)12490.657 (3.85x)

Precognition on:

ply-parsing-perf --summary --quiet --slowdown --transposed --precognition allplyfiles.txt

Collection# filesminiply (Slowdown)happly (Slowdown)tinyply (Slowdown)rply (Slowdown)msh_ply (Slowdown)
pbrt-v3-scenes89294165.718 (1.00x)30087.391 (7.22x)failed16426.897 (3.94x)5160.723 (1.24x)
benedikt-bitterli3032722.505 (1.00x)4282.659 (5.93x)2391.913 (3.31x)2376.471 (3.29x)713.467 (0.99x)
Stanford3DScans191924.726 (1.00x)20596.981 (10.70x)8884.919 (4.62x)7265.146 (3.77x)2849.680 (1.48x)

Results - windows

Precognition off:

ply-parsing-perf --summary --quiet --slowdown --transposed allplyfiles.txt

Collection# filesminiply (Slowdown)happly (Slowdown)tinyply (Slowdown)rply (Slowdown)msh_ply (Slowdown)
pbrt-v3-scenes89295575.460 (1.00x)43104.037 (7.73x)failed21100.762 (3.78x)24442.489 (4.38x)
benedikt-bitterli3097926.212 (1.00x)6276.490 (6.78x)9239.515 (9.98x)3371.967 (3.64x)3563.131 (3.85x)
Stanford3DScans193468.169 (1.00x)33506.487 (9.66x)28660.468 (8.26x)9505.724 (2.74x)16261.535 (4.69x)

Precognition on:

ply-parsing-perf --summary --quiet --slowdown --transposed --precognition allplyfiles.txt

Collection# filesminiply (Slowdown)happly (Slowdown)tinyply (Slowdown)rply (Slowdown)msh_ply (Slowdown)
pbrt-v3-scenes89294134.593 (1.00x)45881.594 (11.10x)failed22945.844 (5.55x)6513.492 (1.58x)
benedikt-bitterli3097569.485 (1.00x)6203.582 (10.89x)4565.575 (8.02x)3351.233 (5.88x)970.368 (1.70x)
Stanford3DScans192333.806 (1.00x)33084.601 (14.18x)16473.786 (7.06x)9867.777 (4.23x)4036.066 (1.73x)

Lines of code

This is how many lines of code it takes to call each of the parsers in ply-parsing-perf's main.cpp. This is the number of lines between the opening and closing brace of each of the parse_with_foo functions, plus (in the case of rply) the line count for any additional supporting functions & data types.

This is a very rough measure. It includes blank lines, comments, and punctuation-only lines. It also includes some code specific to this particular benchmark, such as handling precognition mode

So take it with a pinch of salt. :-)

Parser# lines

Points of interest