

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/nmwsharp/happly/blob/master/happly_logo.jpg" width="200"> </p> <p align="center">A header-only C++ reader/writer for the PLY file format. Parse .ply happily! <p align="center">


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The .ply format and hapPLY

The .ply format is a general-purpose flat file format useful for recording numerical data on unstructured domains, which includes both plaintext and binary representations. The format has been kicking around since the 90s: Paul Bourke's webpage serves as both an introduction and the most official specification. hapPLY grew out of my own personal code for .ply files-- the format is extremely useful for working with 3D meshes and other geometric data, but no easily accessible C++ implementation was available.

Although the .ply format is commonly used to store 3D mesh and point cloud data, the format itself technically has nothing to do with meshes or point clouds; it simply specifies a collection elements, and data (called properties) associated with those elements. For instance in a mesh, the elements are vertices and faces; vertices then have properties like "position" and "color", while faces have a property which is a list of vertex indices. hapPLY exposes a general API for reading and writing elements and properties, as well as special-purpose helpers for the common conventions surrounding mesh data.


Read basic data

#include "happly.h"

// Construct a data object by reading from file
happly::PLYData plyIn("my_file.ply");

// Get data from the object
std::vector<float> elementA_prop1 = plyIn.getElement("elementA").getProperty<float>("prop1");
std::vector<double> elementA_prop2 = plyIn.getElement("elementA").getProperty<double>("prop1");
std::vector<std::vector<double>> elementB_listProp = 

// Type promotion is automatic for numeric types: even if this property was stored as a float, 
// we can access it as a double
std::vector<double> elementA_prop1_as_double = 

Write basic data

#include "happly.h"

// Suppose these hold your data
std::vector<float> elementA_prop1;
std::vector<int> elementA_prop2;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> elementB_listProp;

// Create an empty object
happly::PLYData plyOut;

// Add elements
plyOut.addElement("elementA", 20);
plyOut.addElement("elementB", 42);

// Add properties to those elements
plyOut.getElement("elementA").addProperty<float>("prop1", elementA_prop1);
plyOut.getElement("elementA").addProperty<int>("prop2", elementA_prop2);
plyOut.getElement("elementB").addListProperty<double>("listprop1", elementB_listProp);

// Write the object to file
plyOut.write("my_output_file.ply", happly::DataFormat::Binary);

Read mesh-like data

#include "happly.h"

// Construct the data object by reading from file
happly::PLYData plyIn("my_mesh_file.ply");

// Get mesh-style data from the object
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> vPos = plyIn.getVertexPositions();
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> fInd = plyIn.getFaceIndices<size_t>();

Write mesh-like data

#include "happly.h"

// Suppose these hold your data
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> meshVertexPositions;
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> meshVertexColors;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> meshFaceIndices;

// Create an empty object
happly::PLYData plyOut;

// Add mesh data (elements are created automatically)

// Write the object to file
plyOut.write("my_output_mesh_file.ply", happly::DataFormat::ASCII);


This assumes a basic familiarity with the file format; I suggest reading Paul Bourke's webpage if you are new to .ply.

All of the outward-facing functionality of hapPLY is grouped under a single (namespaced) class called happly::PLYData, which represents a collection of elements and their properties. PLYData objects can be constructed from an existing file PLYData::PLYData("my_input.ply"), or you can fill with your own data and then write to file PLYData::write("my_output.ply", DataFormat::ASCII).

Generally speaking, hapPLY uses C++ exceptions to communicate errors-- most of these methods will throw if something is wrong. hapPLY attempts to provide basic sanity checks and informative errors, but does not guarantee robustness to malformed input.

Reading and writing objects:

Accessing and adding data to an object:

Misc object options:

Common-case helpers for mesh data:

Known issues:

Current TODOs:

By Nicholas Sharp. Credit to Keenan Crane for early feedback and the logo!

Development of this software was funded in part by NSF Award 1717320, an NSF graduate research fellowship, and gifts from Adobe Research and Autodesk, Inc.