

1. Description

FEconv can convert finite element (FE) mesh written in several commercial file formats. It can also transform the FE type and/or perform some bandwidth optimizations. Some conversion capabilities are also present for mesh fields. Please type feconv -h and see EXAMPLES section to know more details, or visit the FEconv help webpage for more information.

2. Installation

As a standalone program

The prerequisites are:

After install the prerequisites:

  make -f Makefile.<compiler>.<os>


To delete the FEconv executable, its .mod and object files, execute:

  make -f Makefile.<compiler>.<os> clean

To delete the basicmod library, its .mod and object files, execute:

  make -f Makefile.<compiler>.<os> cleanlib

As a library

  make -f Makefile.makelib.<distribution>.<compiler>.<os>

where <distribution> can be static or dynamic.

The library and the .mod files are automatically moved to folders lib/ and include/, respectively.

When compiling for several compilers, clean the object files:

  make -f Makefile.makelib.<distribution>.<compiler>.<os> clean

To delete the FEconv (and basicmod) libraries, the .mod and the object files, execute:

  make -f Makefile.makelib.<distribution>.<compiler>.<os> cleanlib

3. Usage

As a standalone program

Please execute feconv -h to see the command line options and some examples of use, or visit the FEconv help webpage.

As a library

Please inspect the folder testlib/ to see an example of library use.

4. Supported formats

The available input mesh formats are:

ANSYS (.msh)
I-Deas Universal (.unv)
VTK-XML Unstructured Grid (.vtu)
MD Nastran input file (.bdf)
COMSOL mesh file (.mphtxt)
FLUX mesh file (.pf3)
Modulef-like Formatted Mesh (.mfm)
Modulef-like Unformatted Mesh (.mum)
FreFem++ Tetrahedral and/or Triangular Lagrange P1 Mesh (.msh)
FreFem++ Tetrahedral Lagrange P1 Mesh (.mesh)
Gmsh MSH ASCII (.msh)

The available output mesh formats are:

ANSYS (.msh)
I-Deas Universal (.unv)
VTK-XML Unstructured Grid (.vtu)
COMSOL mesh file (.mphtxt)
FLUX mesh file (.pf3)
Modulef-like Formatted Mesh (.mfm)
Modulef-like Unformatted Mesh (.mum)
FreFem++ Tetrahedral and/or Triangular Lagrange P1 Mesh (.msh)
FreFem++ Tetrahedral Lagrange P1 Mesh (.mesh)
Gmsh MSH ASCII (.msh)

The available field formats are:

I-Deas Universal (.unv)
VTK-XML Unstructured Grid (.vtu)
FLUX mesh file (.pf3)
FLUX field file (.dex)
Modulef-like Formatted Field (.mff)
Modulef-like Unformatted Field (.muf)
ANSYS interpolation file (.ip)

5. License

Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.