


The goal of this project is to provide an excellent automation experience for load testing activities within the Kubernetes cluster and outside of it.

This project is based on the Operator Framework, an open source toolkit to manage Kubernetes native applications, called Operators, in an effective, automated, and scalable way. Read more in the introduction blog post.

Fortio is a load testing tool. Fortio runs at a specified query per second (qps) and records an histogram of execution time and calculates percentiles. It can run for a set duration, for a fixed number of calls, or until interrupted (at a constant target QPS, or max speed/load per connection/thread).


Run this command to deploy the operator

$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verfio/fortio-operator/master/deploy/fortio.yaml
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "crontests.fortio.verf.io" created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "servers.fortio.verf.io" created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "loadtests.fortio.verf.io" created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "curltests.fortio.verf.io" created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "testruns.fortio.verf.io" created
serviceaccount "fortio-operator" created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "fortio-operator" created
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "fortio-operator" created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "fortio-operator" created
deployment.apps "fortio-operator" created
configmap "fortio-data-dir" created

Verify that fortio-operator pod is up and running

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
fortio-operator-8fdc6d967-ssjk4   1/1       Running   0          33s


Create CurlTest resource and define expected response if needed, like this YAML

apiVersion: fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
kind: CurlTest
  name: verfio
  url: "https://verf.io"
  lookForString: "VERF.IO"

Below you can find a list of parameters you can use right now for CurlTest and their allowed values. For complete documentation of these parameters please refer to Fortio. Please define all values in yaml files as string even if allowed value is int(e.g. "10" instead of 10).

Field nameMandatory?Allowed valuesDescription
urlYesURLURL of the site you want to test
lookForStringYesstringShould be without spaces
methodNoPOSTSet this to POST to switch from GET, any other value will be ignored
contentTypeNostringSets http content type
payloadNostringPayload string to send along
payloadSizeNointAdditional random payload size
maxPayloadSizeKBNointMaximum size of payload to be generated by the
EchoHandler size= argument. In Kbytes. (default 256)
payloadFileNostringFile path to be use as payload
payloadConfigMapNo*stringName of configMap where payloadFile is stored, mandatory if payloadFile is used.
logLevelNostringOne of [Debug Verbose Info Warning Error Critical Fatal]

Here is an example yaml to create configMap:

apiVersion: v1
    Test data
    Test data
    Test data
kind: ConfigMap

Apply this file:

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verfio/fortio-operator/master/deploy/crds/fortio_v1alpha1_curltest_cr.yaml
curltest.fortio.verf.io "verfio" created

Check the result using the describe command:

$ kubectl describe curltest
Name:         verfio
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
API Version:  fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
Kind:         CurlTest
  Look For String:  VERF.IO
  URL:              https://verf.io
    Result:  Success
Events:      <none>

As we found that resource is available, let's fire the loadtest.


Create LoadTest resource and define desired conditions. For example, this YAML says that we want to test the https://verf.io for 10 seconds:

apiVersion: fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
kind: LoadTest
  name: verfio
  duration: 10s
  url: "https://verf.io"
  action: load

Below you can find a list of parameters you can use right now for LoadTest and their allowed values. For complete documentation of these parameters please refer to Fortio. Please define all values in yaml files as string even if allowed value is int(e.g. "10" instead of 10).

Field nameMandatory?Allowed valuesDescription
urlYesURLURL of the site you want to test
durationYesdurationHow long to run the test or 0 to run until ^C (default 5s)
headerYesstringAdditional header(s). Only one header is allowed right now
userYesstringUser credentials for basic authentication (for http)
passwordYesstringUser credentials for basic authentication (for http)
qpsYesfloatQueries Per Seconds or 0 for no wait/max qps (default 8)
threadsYesintNumber of connections/goroutine/threads (default 4)
methodNoPOSTSet this to POST to switch from GET, any other value will be ignored
contentTypeNostringSets http content type
payloadNostringPayload string to send along
payloadSizeNointAdditional random payload size
maxPayloadSizeKBNointMaximum size of payload to be generated by the
EchoHandler size= argument. In Kbytes. (default 256)
payloadFileNostringFile path to be use as payload
payloadConfigMapNo*stringName of configMap where payloadFile is stored, mandatory if payloadFile is used.
logLevelNostringOne of [Debug Verbose Info Warning Error Critical Fatal]

Apply this file:

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verfio/fortio-operator/master/deploy/crds/fortio_v1alpha1_loadtest_cr.yaml

loadtest.fortio.verf.io "verfio" created

Verify that Job to run the LoadTest is created and Pod has successfully completed the required task:

$ kubectl get jobs
verfio-job   1         1            4m

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
fortio-operator-8fdc6d967-ssjk4   1/1       Running     0          15m
verfio-job-v8wl6                  0/1       Completed   0          5m

When test is finished, the result will be stored in the fortio-data-dir configmap:

$ kubectl get cm
NAME                   DATA      AGE
fortio-data-dir        1         19m
fortio-operator-lock   0         19m

Check the content of this data (output omitted):

$ kubectl describe cm fortio-data-dir
  "RunType": "HTTP",
  "Labels": "verf.io , verfio-job-v8wl6",
  "StartTime": "2018-12-22T15:51:10.053834734Z",
  "RequestedQPS": "8",
  "RequestedDuration": "10s",
  "ActualQPS": 7.970731756747274,
  "ActualDuration": 10036719644,
  "NumThreads": 4,
  "Version": "1.3.1-pre",
  "DurationHistogram": {
    "Count": 80,
    "Min": 0.028049263,
    "Max": 0.073276722,
    "Sum": 2.9869050279999994,
    "Avg": 0.03733631284999999,
    "StdDev": 0.013932356831744559,
    "Data": [
        "Start": 0.028049263,
        "End": 0.03,
        "Percent": 25,
        "Count": 20
        "Start": 0.03,
        "End": 0.035,
        "Percent": 72.5,
        "Count": 38

Also, you can observe the result in the Status field of LoadTest resource:

$ kubectl describe loadtest
Name:         verfio
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
API Version:  fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
Kind:         LoadTest
  Action:    load
  Duration:  10s
  URL:       https://verf.io
    50 %:      0.045
    75 %:      0.052
    90 %:      0.0666667
    99 %:      0.101175
    99 . 9 %:  0.105407
    Avg:       45.845ms
    Qps:       7.9318
    Result:    Success
Events:        <none>


TestRun is suitable in case when you need to define a set of different tests, for example, this YAML defines a set of four tests in a given order:

apiVersion: fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
kind: TestRun
  name: verfio
  - order: "10"
    url: "https://verf.io"
    stopOnFailure: "true"
  - order: "15"
    url: "https://verf.io"
    method: "POST"
    stopOnFailure: "true"
  - order: "20"
    url: "https://verf.io"
    duration: 10s
    stopOnFailure: "true"
  - order: "30"
    url: "https://www.verf.io"
    duration: 30s

Apply this file

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verfio/fortio-operator/master/deploy/crds/fortio_v1alpha1_testrun_cr.yaml
testrun.fortio.verf.io "verfio" created

Wait for a while and verify the list of CurlTest resources:

$ kubectl get curltest
NAME                          AGE
testrun-verfio-10-curl-test   1m
testrun-verfio-15-curl-test   1m

Wait a couple of minutes and get the list of LoadTest resources:

$ kubectl get loadtest
NAME                          AGE
testrun-verfio-20-load-test   1m
testrun-verfio-30-load-test   1m

For each test the dedicated pod was provisioned:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                             READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
curltest-testrun-verfio-10-curl-test-job-kldl8   0/1       Completed   0          3m
curltest-testrun-verfio-15-curl-test-job-sjnx7   0/1       Completed   0          2m
fortio-operator-6f7c799db5-kpfc7                 1/1       Running     0          4m
loadtest-testrun-verfio-20-load-test-job-tc6mz   0/1       Completed   0          2m
loadtest-testrun-verfio-30-load-test-job-x6w8f   0/1       Completed   0          1m

Let's take a look whether testrun-verfio-30-load-test was successful:

$ kubectl describe loadtest testrun-verfio-30-load-test
Name:         testrun-verfio-30-load-test
Namespace:    default
Labels:       app=verfio
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:  fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
Kind:         LoadTest
    50 %:      0.0313991
    75 %:      0.0341514
    90 %:      0.0389773
    99 %:      0.107333
    99 . 9 %:  0.126325
    Avg:       34.243ms
    Qps:       7.9956
    Result:    Success
Events:        <none>

To analyze results provided by various tests, as part of single TestRun, or as separated tests, it could be very useful to visualize them. We can use the Server resource to make it possible.


Apply this YAML to instruct the fortio-operator to spin up the server and expose it via LoadBalancer Kubernetes Service type:

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verfio/fortio-operator/master/deploy/crds/fortio_v1alpha1_server_cr.yaml
server.fortio.verf.io "fortio-server" created

Check IP address of Server:

$ kubectl get service fortio-server
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
fortio-server   LoadBalancer   IP_ADDRESS       8080:30269/TCP   1m

Navigate to specified address: http://IP_ADDRESS:8080/fortio/ to see the Fortio's UI and to http://IP_ADDRESS:8080/fortio/browse to see the list of saved results. Pick the existing one from the list and you will see the fancy diagram.

if LoadBalancer Service type is not supported by your Kubernetes cluster, you are able to expose UI via NodePort, like:

apiVersion: fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
kind: Server
  name: fortio-server
  type: NodePort

Also, you are allowed to update current Server type via kubectl edit server command. For example, change LoadBalancer to NodePort and Kubernetes Service will be updated:

$ kubectl get svc
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)                      AGE
fortio-server   LoadBalancer   8080:32575/TCP               1h
$ kubectl edit server                                                                         
server.fortio.verf.io "fortio-server" edited
$ kubectl get svc
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
fortio-server   NodePort   <none>           8080:32575/TCP               1h

Currently, Server.Spec allows to configure only single value:

Field nameMandatory?Allowed valuesDescription
typeNoLoadBalancer or NodePort (default)How to expose the UI


CrontTest is useful when you need to setup the schedule for CurlTest, LoadTest or TestRun. For example, this YAML asks Operator to execute CurlTest every 1 minute, LoadTest every 3 minutes and TestRun every 10 minutes, every day starting from 0:00:00:

apiVersion: fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
kind: CronTest
  name: verfio1
  schedule: "0 * * * * *"
    url: "https://verf.io"
    lookForString: "VERF.IO"
apiVersion: fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
kind: CronTest
  name: verfio2
  schedule: "0 */3 * * * *"
    url: "https://verf.io"
    lookForString: "VERF.IO"
apiVersion: fortio.verf.io/v1alpha1
kind: CronTest
  name: verfio3
  schedule: "0 */10 * * * *"
    - url: "https://verf.io"
      order: "10"
    - url: "https://verf.io"
      order: "20"

To specify the schedule you just need to leverage the cron-like expressions:

Field nameMandatory?Allowed valuesAllowed special characters
SecondsYes0-59* / , -
MinutesYes0-59* / , -
HoursYes0-23* / , -
Day of monthYes1-31* / , - ?
MonthYes1-12 or JAN-DEC* / , -
Day of weekYes0-6 or SUN-SAT* / , - ?

Run this command to schedule our tests:

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verfio/fortio-operator/master/deploy/crds/fortio_v1alpha1_crontest_cr.yaml
crontest.fortio.verf.io "verfio1" created
crontest.fortio.verf.io "verfio2" created
crontest.fortio.verf.io "verfio3" created

Wait for a while and you should see similar results:

$ kubectl get curltest
NAME                                          AGE
testrun-verfio3-20190104132000-10-curl-test   1m
verfio1-20190104130600                        15m
verfio1-20190104130700                        14m
verfio1-20190104130800                        13m
verfio1-20190104130900                        12m
verfio1-20190104131100                        10m
verfio1-20190104131200                        9m
verfio1-20190104131300                        8m
verfio1-20190104131400                        7m
verfio1-20190104131500                        6m
verfio1-20190104131600                        5m
verfio1-20190104131700                        4m
verfio1-20190104131800                        3m
verfio1-20190104131900                        2m
verfio1-20190104132000                        1m
verfio1-20190104132100                        43s
$ kubectl get loadtest
NAME                                          AGE
testrun-verfio3-20190104132000-20-load-test   1m
verfio2-20190104130600                        15m
verfio2-20190104130900                        12m
verfio2-20190104131200                        9m
verfio2-20190104131500                        6m
verfio2-20190104131800                        3m
verfio2-20190104132100                        48s
$ kubectl get testrun
NAME                     AGE
verfio3-20190104132000   1m

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                             READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
curltest-testrun-verfio3-20190104132000-10-curl-test-job-fg4gn   0/1       Completed   0          3m
curltest-verfio1-20190104130600-job-rfcc2                        0/1       Completed   0          18m
curltest-verfio1-20190104130700-job-9k7xt                        0/1       Completed   0          17m
curltest-verfio1-20190104130800-job-6snll                        0/1       Completed   0          16m
curltest-verfio1-20190104130900-job-tqxkn                        0/1       Completed   0          15m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131100-job-6465d                        0/1       Completed   0          13m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131200-job-ng2js                        0/1       Completed   0          12m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131300-job-9vkff                        0/1       Completed   0          11m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131400-job-nzj85                        0/1       Completed   0          10m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131500-job-5hkr7                        0/1       Completed   0          9m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131600-job-np2k6                        0/1       Completed   0          8m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131700-job-2plr6                        0/1       Completed   0          7m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131800-job-cq7dm                        0/1       Completed   0          6m
curltest-verfio1-20190104131900-job-zd29h                        0/1       Completed   0          5m
curltest-verfio1-20190104132000-job-62b9d                        0/1       Completed   0          4m
curltest-verfio1-20190104132100-job-j5bzj                        0/1       Completed   0          3m
curltest-verfio1-20190104132200-job-z54tm                        0/1       Completed   0          2m
curltest-verfio1-20190104132300-job-fm56q                        0/1       Completed   0          1m
curltest-verfio1-20190104132400-job-d7h2f                        0/1       Completed   0          6s
fortio-operator-8fdc6d967-fq9l2                                  1/1       Running     0          14m
loadtest-testrun-verfio3-20190104132000-20-load-test-job-42pfn   0/1       Completed   0          3m
loadtest-verfio2-20190104130600-job-vhw6q                        0/1       Completed   0          18m
loadtest-verfio2-20190104130900-job-cfjcc                        0/1       Completed   0          15m
loadtest-verfio2-20190104131200-job-g9f2w                        0/1       Completed   0          12m
loadtest-verfio2-20190104131500-job-vxsj5                        0/1       Completed   0          9m
loadtest-verfio2-20190104131800-job-cjjdr                        0/1       Completed   0          6m
loadtest-verfio2-20190104132100-job-v25bz                        0/1       Completed   0          3m
loadtest-verfio2-20190104132400-job-9jzjh                        1/1       Running     0          6s

The best way to analyze the scheduled test is to provision Server resource, navigate to UI and select the set of saved results from the list:


Clean up

Delete CronTests

$ kubectl delete crontest verfio1
crontest.fortio.verf.io "verfio1" deleted
$ kubectl delete crontest verfio2
crontest.fortio.verf.io "verfio2" deleted
$ kubectl delete crontest verfio3
crontest.fortio.verf.io "verfio3" deleted

Delete Server

kubectl delete server fortio-server
server.fortio.verf.io "fortio-server" deleted

Delete CurlTest

kubectl delete curltest verfio
curltest.fortio.verf.io "verfio" deleted

Delete LoadTest

kubectl delete loadtest verfio
loadtest.fortio.verf.io "verfio" deleted

Delete TestRun

kubectl delete testrun verfio
testrun.fortio.verf.io "verfio" deleted

Delete Operator:

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verfio/fortio-operator/master/deploy/fortio.yaml
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "crontests.fortio.verf.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "servers.fortio.verf.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "loadtests.fortio.verf.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "curltests.fortio.verf.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "testruns.fortio.verf.io" deleted
serviceaccount "fortio-operator" deleted
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "fortio-operator" deleted
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "fortio-operator" deleted
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "fortio-operator" deleted
deployment.apps "fortio-operator" deleted
configmap "fortio-data-dir" deleted