

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vdaburon/create-external-file-for-har/blob/main/doc/create-external-file-for-har-logo.png" alt="create an external csv file for har"/> <p align="center">Create a csv file with transaction information to complete a HAR (Http ARchive) file.</p> <p align="center"><a href="https://github.com/vdaburon/create-external-file-for-har">Link to github project create-external-file-for-har</a></p> </p>


Console text tool to create transaction info corresponding to a har file.

Create a csv file with transaction information to complete a HAR (Http ARchive) file.


E.g :

<pre> 2024-05-07T07:56:40.513Z;TRANSACTION;authent;start 2024-05-07T07:56:56.261Z;TRANSACTION;authent;stop 2024-05-07T07:57:08.679Z;TRANSACTION;home;start 2024-05-07T07:57:10.123Z;COMMENT;user toto; 2024-05-07T07:57:14.310Z;TRANSACTION;home;stop 2024-05-07T07:57:30.280Z;TRANSACTION;logout;start 2024-05-07T07:58:15.377Z;TRANSACTION;logout;stop </pre>

Launch the tool

This tool could be use with script shell Windows or Linux.

<pre> C:\mydir>java -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar ../target/create-external-file-for-har-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar </pre>

With set file out parameter :

<pre> C:\mydir>java -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar ../target/create-external-file-for-har-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar c:/temp/demo1.csv </pre>


Command help or h display :

<pre> Help Commands : sf &lt;file name&gt; : Set the File out name to save information, need to be first command or the file name is set at program start with a launch program parameter ch &lt;charset&gt; : set the CHarset to write in the file out (e.g : UTF-8 (Default) or ISO-8859-1 or Cp1252 (windows)) ts &lt;transaction name&gt; : for Transaction Start with transaction name not empty te [&lt;transaction name&gt;] : for Transaction End if no transaction name then use the last transaction name de &lt;transaction name&gt; : DElete start and end transaction in csv file or a comment co &lt;comment&gt; : add a COmment sh : SHow content file exit : save file and EXIT help : this HELP h : this Help short command </pre>

How use this tool while recording a HAR file when navigate to web site

Record a HAR file and create external csv file with create-external-file-to-har tool.

Record a HAR file and create external csv file

For Chrome Browser (B for Browser) : <br/> B1) Open navigator (Chrome) <br/> B2) Open dev tools with <F12> <br/> B3) Tab "Network" <br/> B4) Record button is ON. <br/> B5) "Preserve log" is checked. (Optional) If needed, delete the exchanges before browsing <br/>

Start create-external-file-for-har tool (C for Create external file tool) <br/> C1) Set a file name , command : sf c:/Temp/jpetstore_transaction.csv <br/> <br/> C2) Create the first transaction start, command : ts welcome <br/> B6) Navigate to the home url in the Browser <br/> C3) When the page is display, end the first transaction (welcome), command : te <br/> <br/> C4) Create a new transaction for future page, command : ts enter store <br/> B7) Click on link or click on button to navigate to store page <br/> C5) When the page is display, end the current transaction (store page), command : te <br/> <br/> C4) Create a new transaction for future page, command : ts page3 <br/> B8) Click on link or click on button to navigate to the page3 <br/> C5) When the page is display, end the current transaction (page3), command : te <br/> <br/> C6) Create a new transaction for futur page ou form, command : ts <page name> <br/> B9) Navigate to the page <br/> C7) When the page is display, end the current transaction (page name), command : te <br/> <br/> ... continue to create a transaction before navigate, navigate to the page, end the transaction ... <br/> <br/> Bx) When navigation is finished, Save exchanges in HAR format "Export HAR ..." <br/>

Companion tool

The csv file created will be used by this other tool : "har-to-jmeter-convertor" https://github.com/vdaburon/har-to-jmeter-convertor

or this JMeter plugin "har-convertor-jmeter-plugin" https://github.com/vdaburon/har-convertor-jmeter-plugin

Step to create JMeter script and record from HAR file and external csv file

JPetstore web application

This example use the JPetstore from Octoperf : https://petstore.octoperf.com/


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0


Version 1.0 date 2024-05-10, First version