

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vdaburon/har-convertor-jmeter-plugin/blob/main/doc/har_convertor_tool_logo.png" alt="har convertor jmeter plugin logo"/> <p align="center">Convert a HAR file to a JMeter script and a Record XML file.</p> <p align="center"><a href="https://github.com/vdaburon/har-convertor-jmeter-plugin">Link to github project har-convertor-jmeter-plugin</a></p> </p>

Convert a HAR file to a JMeter script and a Record XML file.

An article about motivations to create this tool: https://dzone.com/articles/convert-a-har-file-to-jmeter-script

GUI interface in the JMeter Tools Menu

This tool is present in the Menu Tools > vdn@github - HAR Convertor Tool

Menu Tools

When you click and the menu line "vdn@github - HAR Convertor Tool", the tool GUI is display

Menu Tools


Parameters are :

Status, the status line contains the tool status or the tool result.

e.g. : Status Results OK

e.g. : Status Results KO

Action buttons

Creating a har file and run the tool har-to-jmx-convertor to simulate recording from the JMeter recording template

This tool har-to-jmx-convertor try to simulate a script JMeter and a record xml file recording from the JMeter Recording Template.

JMeter Recording Template and HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - The standard way to record

The JMeter Recording Template : <br/> JMeter recording template start

The result of recording with JMeter "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder" : <br/> JMeter script and record

HAR created on a Browser (e.g. Firefox) - The new way with the convertor tool

Record the navigation in the web application with Developer tool : Network and save exchanges in HAR file format : <br/> Browser save HAR file

Launch the "Convertor tool" : <br/> Step to create script and record from HAR file

Tool results : Open the script created and the record.xml in a View Results Tree <br/> Open the script created

HAR created in Chrome Browser with the LoadRunner Web Recorder Chrome Extension

This tool is compatible with Har file generated with the LoadRunner Web Recorder Chrome Extension.

The main advantage is to declare Transaction Names when recording and navigate to the web site. This transactions will be Page Names (Transaction Controllers names) in the JMeter script.

Step to create script and record from HAR file from LoadRunner Web Recorder

The LoadRunner Web Recorder Chrome Extension is available at this url : <br/> Download the Recorder extension for Chrome : "HarGeneratorChrome"

You need to check to checkbox "HAR was generated with LoadRunner Web Recorder and Transaction Names" to indicate that is a HAR file generated with LoadRunner Web Recorder (lrwr), default false (unchecked).

Standard HAR file created with Firefox, Chrome, Edge with external csv file for transaction information

You could add an external file that contains information about transaction name start and end.

Step to create script and record from HAR file and external csv file

The format is :

E.g :

<pre> 2024-05-06T12:39:58.711Z;TRANSACTION;login;start 2024-05-06T12:40:08.643Z;TRANSACTION;login;stop 2024-05-06T12:40:20.880Z;TRANSACTION;home;start 2024-05-06T12:40:37.634Z;TRANSACTION;home;stop </pre>

A simple tool named "create-external-file-for-har" create easily this csv file. https://github.com/vdaburon/create-external-file-for-har

You need to select the csv file in the text field : "(Optional) External csv file with transaction info (to read) "

HAR created with BrowserMob Proxy

This tool is compatible with Har file generated with BrowserMob Proxy.

The BrowserMob Proxy create a har and could filter url or content (no binary).

The proxy client could be a browser or a client http in an application.

BrowserMob Proxy could be embedded in a java application or in Selenium java code application.

Step to create script and record from HAR file from BrowserMob

The BrowserMob Proxy is available at this url : <br/> Download the BrowserMob Proxy

More documentation from har-to-jmeter-convertor

For more documentation look at README from har-to-jmeter-convertor

Command line tool (CLI)

This tool could be use with script shell Windows or Linux.

Scripts shell are in <JMETER_HOME>\bin

Help to see all parameters :

<pre> C:\apache-jmeter\bin&gt;har-convertor-to-jmeter.cmd -help usage: io.github.vdaburon.jmeter.har.HarForJMeter [-add_pause &lt;add_pause&gt;] [-add_result_tree_record &lt;add_result_tree_record&gt;] [-external_file_infos &lt;external_file_infos&gt;] [-filter_exclude &lt;filter_exclude&gt;] [-filter_include &lt;filter_include&gt;] -har_in &lt;har_in&gt; [-help] -jmx_out &lt;jmx_out&gt; [-new_tc_pause &lt;new_tc_pause&gt;] [-page_start_number &lt;page_start_number&gt;] [-record_out &lt;record_out&gt;] [-remove_cache_request &lt;remove_cache_request&gt;] [-remove_cookie &lt;remove_cookie&gt;] [-sampler_start_number &lt;sampler_start_number&gt;] [-use_lrwr_infos &lt;use_lrwr_infos&gt;] io.github.vdaburon.jmeter.har.HarForJMeter -add_pause &lt;add_pause&gt; Optional boolean, add Flow Control Action Pause after Transaction Controller (default true) -add_result_tree_record &lt;add_result_tree_record&gt; Optional boolean, add 'View Result Tree' to view the record.xml file created (default true), record_out must be not empty -external_file_infos &lt;external_file_infos&gt; Optional, csv file contains external infos : timestamp transaction name and start or end -filter_exclude &lt;filter_exclude&gt; Optional, regular expression to exclude url -filter_include &lt;filter_include&gt; Optional, regular expression to include url -har_in &lt;har_in&gt; Har file to read (e.g : my_file.har) -help Help and show parameters -jmx_out &lt;jmx_out&gt; JMeter file created to write (e.g : script.jmx) -new_tc_pause &lt;new_tc_pause&gt; Optional, create new Transaction Controller after request ms, same as jmeter property : proxy.pause, need to be &gt; 0 if set. Usefully for Har created by Firefox or Single Page Application (Angular, ReactJS, VuesJS ...) -page_start_number &lt;page_start_number&gt; Optional, the start page number for partial recording (default 1) -record_out &lt;record_out&gt; Optional, file xml contains exchanges likes recorded by JMeter -remove_cache_request &lt;remove_cache_request&gt; Optional boolean, remove cache header in the http request (default true because add a Cache Manager) -remove_cookie &lt;remove_cookie&gt; Optional boolean, remove cookie in http header (default true because add a Cookie Manager) -sampler_start_number &lt;sampler_start_number&gt; Optional, the start sampler number for partial recording (default 1) -use_lrwr_infos &lt;use_lrwr_infos&gt; Optional, the har file has been generated with LoadRunner Web Recorder and contains Transaction Name, expected value : 'transaction_name' or don't add this parameter E.g : java -jar har-for-jmeter-&lt;version&gt;-jar-with-dependencies.jar -har_in myhar.har -jmx_out scriptout.jmx -record_out recording.xml -add_result_tree_record true -new_tc_pause 5000 -add_pause true -filter_include "https://mysite/.*" -filter_exclude "https://notmysite/*" -page_start_number 50 -sampler_start_number 250 </pre> <pre> C:\apache-jmeter\bin>har-convertor-to-jmeter.cmd -har_in "myhar.har" -jmx_out "script_out.jmx" -filter_include "https://mysite.com/.*" -filter_exclude "https://notmysite.com/.*" -add_pause true -new_tc_pause 5000 </pre> <pre> /var/opt/apache-jmeter/bin>./har-convertor-to-jmeter.sh -har_in "myhar.har" -jmx_out "script_out.jmx" -record_out "record.xml" -add_pause true -new_tc_pause 5000 </pre>

Tool installed with jmeter-plugins-manager

This tool could be installed with the jmeter-plugins-manager from jmeter.plugins.org.<br> The tool name is : "vdn@github - har-convertor-jmeter-tool"

Usage Maven

The maven groupId, artifactId and version, this plugin is in the Maven Central Repository Maven Central har-convertor-jmeter-plugin



Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0


Version 6.0 date 2024-09-19, Use new library har-to-jmeter-convertor 6.0 for adding 'HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder' and 'View Results Tree' to view the Record.xml file created. Correct save file no url encoded name.

Version 5.3 date 2024-09-13, Use new library har-to-jmeter-convertor 5.3 that correct PUT with no parameter, no content and mime-type == null

Version 5.2 date 2024-06-20, Use new library har-to-jmeter-convertor 5.2 that correct extract parameters for mime type "form-urlencoded" ended with charset likes "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=xxx"

Version 5.1 date 2024-05-17, Compatible with har generated by browsermob-proxy tool and csv file contains transaction infos. Use library har-to-jmeter-convertor 5.1.

Version 5.0 date 2024-05-10, Add an external csv file with transaction information for JMeter Transaction Controller Name. New parameter : <code>-external_file_infos transaction_info.csv</code>. Correct Filter Include first filter and Filter Exclude second filter.

Version 4.0 date 2024-05-06, Add compatibility with HAR generated with LoadRunner Web Recorder Chrome Extension. New checkbox "(Optional) HAR was generated with LoadRunner Web Recorder and Transaction Names"

Version 3.2 date 2024-03-30, Use library har-to-jmeter-convertor-2.2.jar, this version encode value for x-www-form-urlencoded when value contains space ' ' or equal '=' or slash '/' or plus '+' characters. Correct add the content for body data for POST, PUT or PATCH if not x-www-form-urlencoded in the Record.xml file.

Version 3.1 date 2024-03-29, Use library har-to-jmeter-convertor-2.2.jar, this version remove the header 'Content-length' because the length is computed by JMeter when the request is created. POST or PUT could have query string and body with content so add query string to the path. Set Content Encoding to UFT-8 for POST or PUT method and request Content-Type : application/json. Add body data content in record.xml for PUT and PATCH methods.

Version 3.0 date 2024-03-18, Add Load generated script if no error. File Chooser select only file and no directory.

Version 2.0 date 2024-03-12, for POST multipart/form-data don't put the content of the file in the Record.xml file because binary content could be large and not XML compatible. Add parameters : page_start_number and sampler_start_number to facilitate partial recording of website navigation.

Version 1.0 date 2024-03-11, First Release.