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Pixz (pronounced pixie) is a parallel, indexing version of xz.

Repository: https://github.com/vasi/pixz

Downloads: https://github.com/vasi/pixz/releases

pixz vs xz

The existing XZ Utils provide great compression in the .xz file format, but they produce just one big block of compressed data. Pixz instead produces a collection of smaller blocks which makes random access to the original data possible. This is especially useful for large tarballs.

Differences to xz

Building pixz

General help about the building process's configuration step can be acquired via:

./configure --help


Build from Release Tarball

make install

You many need sudo permissions to run make install.

Build from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/vasi/pixz.git
cd pixz
make install

You many need sudo permissions to run make install.


Single Files

Compress a single file (no tarball, just compression), multi-core:

pixz bar bar.xz

Decompress it, multi-core:

pixz -d bar.xz bar


Compress and index a tarball, multi-core:

pixz foo.tar foo.tpxz

Very quickly list the contents of the compressed tarball:

pixz -l foo.tpxz

Decompress the tarball, multi-core:

pixz -d foo.tpxz foo.tar

Very quickly extract a single file, multi-core, also verifies that contents match index:

pixz -x dir/file < foo.tpxz | tar x

Create a tarball using pixz for multi-core compression:

tar -Ipixz -cf foo.tpxz foo/

Specifying Input and Output

These are the same (also work for -x, -d and -l as well):

pixz foo.tar foo.tpxz
pixz < foo.tar > foo.tpxz
pixz -i foo.tar -o foo.tpxz

Extract the files from foo.tpxz into foo.tar:

pixz -x -i foo.tpxz -o foo.tar file1 file2 ...

Compress to foo.tpxz, removing the original:

pixz foo.tar

Extract to foo.tar, removing the original:

pixz -d foo.tpxz

Other Flags

Faster, worse compression:

pixz -1 foo.tar

Better, slower compression:

pixz -9 foo.tar

Use exactly 2 threads:

pixz -p 2 foo.tar

Compress, but do not treat it as a tarball, i.e. do not index it:

pixz -t foo.tar

Decompress, but do not check that contents match index:

pixz -d -t foo.tpxz

List the xz blocks instead of files:

pixz -l -t foo.tpxz

For even more tuning flags, check the manual page:

man pixz

Comparison to other Tools






dictzip, idzip