


<a href="https://t.me/sshtobash"><img src="https://telegram.org/img/website_icon.svg" width="21"></a> Twitter Follow paypal <sup>Feel free to support the project!)</sup></br>

Small bash script that builds a menu (via dialog) from your ~/.ssh/config.</br> screeenshot </br> Allows you to connect to your servers or run commands from menu. Available commands:</br> cmds </br> Your commands can be easily added to this list. Just edit this part of the script:

<pre> cmdlist=( #Command# #Description# "${slct[@]}" #De/Select command "Username" "Change ssh username to \Z1$GUEST\Z0" "Add tab" "Add terminal tab with \Z1sshto\Z0 for \Z4$target\Z0" "Ssh tab" "Add terminal tab with \Z1ssh\Z0 to \Z4$target\Z0" '' '' "ls -lah" "List Files" "free -h" "Show free memory" "df -ih" "Show free inodes" "df -h" "Show free disk space" "Custom" "Run custom command on \Z4$target\Z0" "Script" "Run custom script on \Z4$target\Z0" '' '' 'Yes' "Say 'yes' to SSH" "Info" "Full system info" 'Fix_id' "Update host in known_hosts" "Sshkey" "Add my ssh key to \Z4$target\Z0" "Alias" "Add my useful aliases to \Z4$target\Z0" "Copy" "Copy selected file or dir to \Z4$target\Z0" '' '' "Home" "Change home folder \Z4$home\Z0 on local server" "Dest" "Change destination folder \Z4$DEST\Z0 on \Z4$target\Z0" "Upload" "Upload file or folder from \Z4$home\Z0 to \Z4$target:${DEST}\Z0" "Download" "Download file or folder from \Z4$target:${DEST}\Z0 to \Z4$home\Z0" "Mount" "Mount remote folder \Z4$target:$DEST\Z0 to \Z4$home\Z0" "Unmount" "Unmount remote folder \Z4$target:$DEST\Z0 from \Z4$home\Z0" '' '' "Local" "Change local port \Z1$LOCAL\Z0" "Remote" "Change remote port \Z1$REMOTE\Z0" "Tunnel" "Start portunneling from \Z4$target:$REMOTE\Z0 to \Z4localhost:$LOCAL\Z0" '' '' "ShowConf" "Show ssh config for this host" "EditConf" "Edit ssh config for this host" ) </pre>

First collumn - command, second - description.</br> Simple commands like ls -la could be added as is.</br> A list of commands or a complicated logic should be added via function.</br> Empty values('') could be used as a delimiter.</br> You can quick jump to the selected server via <i>CONNECT</i> button.</br> To close <i>ssh</i> session press <kbd>CTRL</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd> or run exit command, it'll bring you back to <i>sshto</i> commands section.</br> </br> Optional hosts description could be added like this:</br>

<pre> Host server1 #Description, it could be more than one word HostName Port 22 User admin </pre>

Optional start menu delimiters '---{ Group Name }---' could be added like this:</br>

<pre> #Host DUMMY #Group Name# </pre>

If you are unhappy with this 'DUMMY' group name template, or you actually have a host named 'dummy', you can change this template by ajusting this variable group_id=dummy. </br> All these additions won't break your ssh configs coz they are considered as comments.

~/.ssh/config example:

<pre> #Host DUMMY #Rybinsk# Host rybserver1 #First server HostName localhost Host rybserver2 #Second server HostName localhost Host rybserver3 #Third server HostName localhost #Host DUMMY #Moscow# Host moserver1 #First server HostName localhost Host moserver2 #Second server HostName localhost Host moserver3 #Third server HostName localhost </pre>

Script greps data from multiple config files via pattername config* in ~/.ssh dir.</br> So you can split config to multiple files and use them with <i>Include</i> directive, example:

<pre> Include config_moscow Include config_rybinsk Include config* </pre>

All preset variables and functions could be tweaked via ~/.sshtorc config file:

<pre> echo "REMOTE=9000 # Remote port for tunneling." >> ~/.sshtorc </pre>

You can customize dialog itself a bit by creating and editing its config file:

<pre> dialog --create-rc ~/.dialogrc nano ~/.dialogrc </pre>

If you don't have dialog and don't want(or can't) to install it, there is a dialog-less version of sshto in my new project bashui here is how it looks: bashui-hosts


Try it bashui-sshto!

How to install

Clone\download this project, go to it's folder and run:

<pre>sudo cp sshto /usr/bin/ #and to unistall sudo rm /usr/bin/sshto </pre>

<a href="https://asciinema.org/a/PQMuRvfmxlHUc4oZMN76LY2V4">See how it works at asciinema</a></br>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FhnsVH8t96Q " target="_blank"><img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/FhnsVH8t96Q/0.jpg" alt="ssh config guide" width="240" height="180" border="10"/></a></br> Tom Lawrens video guide about ssh config and sshto

<a href="https://t.me/sshtobash"><img src="https://telegram.org/img/website_icon.svg" width="21"></a> Twitter Follow paypal <sup>Feel free to support the project!)</sup></br>

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