


EasyQRCodeJS-NodeJS is a NodeJS server side javascript QRCode image(PNG/JPEG/SVG/Base64 data url) generator. Support setting Dot style, Logo, Background image, Colorful, Title and more. Support binary(hex) data mode.

EasyQRCodeJS-NodeJS 是一个 NodeJS 环境下的服务端 JavaScript QRCode 图片(PNG/JPEG/SVG/Base64 data url)生成模块。支持点状风格,Logo,背景图片,规则色彩控制,标题等设置。支持二进制数据模式。

Table of contents

Choose what you need

EasyQRCodeJSRunning with DOM on CLIENT-SIDE . Browser(IE6+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Android, Windows Mobile, ETC.), Electron, NW.js, ETC.
EasyQRCodeJS-NodeJSRunning without DOM on SERVER-SIDE. Save image to file(PNG/JPEG/SVG) or get data url text. NodeJS, Electron, NW.js, ETC.
EasyQRCode-React-NativeA QRCode generator for React Native. Generate QRCode image or get base64 data url text.


Try It!

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Demo preview

Demo preview

QR Code Structure

QR Code Structure


npm install easyqrcodejs-nodejs

Basic Usages

const QRCode = require('easyqrcodejs-nodejs');

// Options
var options = {
	text: "www.easyproject.cn/donation"

// New instance with options
var qrcode = new QRCode(options);

// Save QRCode image
	path: 'q.png' // save path



var qrcode = new QRCode(options);


 var options = {
    // ====== Basic
    text: "https://github.com/ushelp/EasyQRCodeJS",
    width: 256,
    height: 256,
    colorDark : "#000000",
    colorLight : "#ffffff",
    correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H, // L, M, Q, H

    // ====== dotScale
    dotScale: 1, // For body block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1

    dotScaleTiming: 1, // Dafault for timing block , must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleTiming_H: undefined, // For horizontal timing block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleTiming_V: undefined, // For vertical timing block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1

    dotScaleA: 1, // Dafault for alignment block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleAO: undefined, // For alignment outer block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
    dotScaleAI: undefined, // For alignment inner block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1

    // ====== Quiet Zone
    quietZone: 0,
    quietZoneColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",

    // ====== Logo
    logo: "../demo/logo.png", // Relative address, relative to `easy.qrcode.min.js`
    logo: "", 
    logoWidth: 80, // fixed logo width. default is `width/3.5`
    logoHeight: 80, // fixed logo height. default is `heigth/3.5`
    logoMaxWidth: undefined, // Maximum logo width. if set will ignore `logoWidth` value
    logoMaxHeight: undefined, // Maximum logo height. if set will ignore `logoHeight` value
    logoBackgroundColor: '#fffff', // Logo backgroud color, Invalid when `logBgTransparent` is true; default is '#ffffff'
    logoBackgroundTransparent: false, // Whether use transparent image, default is false

    // ====== Backgroud Image
    backgroundImage: '', // Background Image
    backgroundImageAlpha: 1, // Background image transparency, value between 0 and 1. default is 1. 
    autoColor: false, // Automatic color adjustment(for data block)
    autoColorDark: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)", // Automatic color: dark CSS color
    autoColorLight: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .7)", // Automatic color: light CSS color

    // ====== Colorful
    // === Posotion Pattern(Eye) Color
    PO: '#e1622f', // Global Posotion Outer color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    PI: '#aa5b71', // Global Posotion Inner color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    PO_TL:'', // Posotion Outer color - Top Left 
    PI_TL:'', // Posotion Inner color - Top Left 
    PO_TR:'', // Posotion Outer color - Top Right 
    PI_TR:'', // Posotion Inner color - Top Right 
    PO_BL:'', // Posotion Outer color - Bottom Left 
    PI_BL:'', // Posotion Inner color - Bottom Left 
    // === Alignment Color
    AO: '', // Alignment Outer. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    AI: '', // Alignment Inner. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    // === Timing Pattern Color
    timing: '#e1622f', // Global Timing color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark`
    timing_H: '', // Horizontal timing color
    timing_V: '', // Vertical timing color

    // ====== Title
    title: 'QR Title', // content 
    titleFont: "normal normal bold 18px Arial", //font. default is "bold 16px Arial"
    titleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "#000"
    titleBackgroundColor: "#fff", // background color. default is "#fff"
    titleHeight: 70, // height, including subTitle. default is 0
    titleTop: 25, // draws y coordinates. default is 30

    // ====== SubTitle
    subTitle: 'QR subTitle', // content
    subTitleFont: "normal normal normal 14px Arial", // font. default is "14px Arial"
    subTitleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "4F4F4F"
    subTitleTop: 40, // draws y coordinates. default is 0

    // ===== Event Handler
    onRenderingStart: undefined,

    // ==== Images format
    format: 'PNG', // 'PNG', 'JPG'
    compressionLevel: 6, // ZLIB compression level (0-9). default is 6
    quality: 0.75, // An object specifying the quality (0 to 1). default is 0.75. (JPGs only) 

    // ==== Versions
    version: 0, // The symbol versions of QR Code range from Version 1 to Version 40. default 0 means automatically choose the closest version based on the text length.

    // ===== Binary(hex) data mode
    binary: false, // Whether it is binary mode, default is text mode. 

    // =====  UTF-8 without BOM
    utf8WithoutBOM: true
Basic options------------
colorDarkNString#000000Dark CSS color
colorLightNString#ffffffLight CSS color
correctLevelNEnumQRCode.CorrectLevel.HQRCode.CorrectLevel.H<br/>QRCode.CorrectLevel.Q <br/> QRCode.CorrectLevel.M <br/> QRCode.CorrectLevel.L
Dot style------------
dotScaleNNumber1.0Dot style scale. Ranges: 0-1.0
dotScaleTimingNNumber1.0Dot style scale for timing. Ranges: 0-1.0
dotScaleTiming_VNNumberundefinedDot style scale for horizontal timing. Ranges: 0-1.0
dotScaleTiming_HNNumberundefinedDot style scale for vertical timing. Ranges: 0-1.0
dotScaleANNumber1.0Dot style scale for alignment. Ranges: 0-1.0
dotScaleAONNumberundefinedDot style scale for alignment outer. Ranges: 0-1.0
dotScaleAINNumberundefinedDot style scale for alignment inner. Ranges: 0-1.0
Quiet Zone------------
quietZoneNNumber0Quiet Zone size
quietZoneColorNStringrgba(0,0,0,0)Background CSS color to Quiet Zone
Logo options------------
logoNStringundefinedLogo Image Path or Base64 encoded image. If use relative address, relative to easy.qrcode.min.js
logoWidthNNumberwidth/3.5Fixed logo width.
logoHeightNNumberheight/3.5fixed logo height.
logoMaxWidthNNumberundefinedMaximum logo width. if set will ignore logoWidth value.
logoMaxHeightNNumberundefinedMaximum logo height. if set will ignore logoHeight value.
logoBackgroundTransparentNBooleanfalseWhether the background transparent image(PNG) shows transparency. When true, logoBackgroundColor is invalid
logoBackgroundColorNString#ffffffSet Background CSS Color when image background transparent. Valid when logoBackgroundTransparent is false
Backgroud Image options------------
backgroundImageNStringundefinedBackground Image Path or Base64 encoded image. If use relative address, relative to easy.qrcode.min.js
backgroundImageAlphaNNumber1.0Background image transparency. Ranges: 0-1.0
autoColorNBooleanfalseAutomatic color adjustment(for data block)
autoColorDarkNStringrgba(0, 0, 0, .6)Automatic color: dark CSS color
autoColorLightNStringrgba(255, 255, 255, .7)Automatic color: light CSS color
Posotion Pattern Color options------------
PONStringundefinedGlobal Posotion Outer CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark
PINStringundefinedGlobal Posotion Inner CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark
PO_TLNStringundefinedPosotion Outer CSS color - Top Left
PI_TLNStringundefinedPosotion Inner CSS color - Top Left
PO_TRNStringundefinedPosotion Outer CSS color - Top Right
PI_TRNStringundefinedPosotion Inner CSS color - Top Right
PO_BLNStringundefinedPosotion Outer CSS color - Bottom Left
PI_BLNStringundefinedPosotion Inner CSS color - Bottom Left
Alignment Color options------------
AONStringundefinedAlignment Outer CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark
AINStringundefinedAlignment Inner CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark
Timing Pattern Color options------------
timingNStringundefinedGlobal Timing CSS color. if not set, the defaut is colorDark
timing_HNStringundefinedHorizontal timing CSS color
timing_VNStringundefinedVertical timing CSS color
Title options------------
titleFontNStringnormal normal bold 16px ArialCSS Font
titleColorNString#000000CSS color
titleBackgroundColorNString#ffffffCSS color
titleHeightNNumber0Title Height, Include subTitle
titleTopNNumber30draws y coordinates.
SubTitle options------------
subTitleFontNStringnormal normal normal 14px ArialCSS Font
subTitleColorNString#4F4F4FCSS color
subTitleTopNNumber0draws y coordinates. default is 0
Event Handler options------------
onRenderingStart(qrCodeOptions)NFunctionundefinedCallback function when rendering start work. can use to hide loading state or handling.
Images format options------------
formatNStringPNG'PNG' or 'JPG'
compressionLevelNNumber6ZLIB compression level between 0 and 9. (PNGs only)
qualityNNumber0.75An object specifying the quality (0 to 1). (JPGs only)
Version options------------
versionNNumber0The symbol versions of QR Code range from Version 1 to Version 40. default 0 means automatically choose the closest version based on the text length. Information capacity and versions of QR Codes NOTE: If you set a value less than the minimum version available for text, the minimum version is automatically used.
UTF-8 options------------
utf8WithoutBOMNBooleantrueUse UTF-8 without BOM. set to false value will use BOM in UFT-8.
Binary(hex) data model options------------
binaryNBooleanfalseWhether it is binary mode, default is text mode.


TypeScript Support

Update to version 3.7.1+.

import QRCode = require("easyqrcodejs-nodejs")


MIT License


Let you draw freely!

EasyQRCodeJS-Premium is a more powerful and comprehensive enterprise version. You can use Canvas to customize any element, such as eye frame shape, eyeball shape, QR code block shape, and more. Also supports excavation (to prevent the QRcode overlap with the logo), random block mode.

If you need more functions, we can provide you with customized development of API libraries or products. please contact me to buy the business enterprise edition.

EasyQRCodeJS-Premium 是功能更加强大和全面的商业/企业版本。让您可以在 QRCode 中通过 Canvas 自定义任何喜欢的元素,例如 Eye frame 形状, Eye ball 形状, QR Body block 形状等等。 还支持 Logo 挖取(excavation,防止二维码与 Logo 重叠)和 Random bolock mode.

如果您需要更多功能,我们可以为您提供 API 库或产品的定制开发。请联系我购买商业/企业版本。

Premium demo preview





<a href="http://www.easyproject.cn/donation"> <img alt=" 支付宝/微信/QQ/云闪付/PayPal 扫码支付" src="http://www.easyproject.cn/thanks/donation.png" title="支付宝/微信/QQ/云闪付/PayPal 扫码支付" height="320" width="320"></img></a> <div>支付宝/微信/QQ/云闪付/PayPal</div> <br/>



We believe that the contribution of each bit by bit, will be driven to produce more and better free and open source products a big step.

Thank you donation to support the server running and encourage more community members.