

py-wasapi-client Build Status

A client for the WASAPI Data Transfer API. Initially developed according to the Archive-It specification, the client now additionally supports Webrecorder.io.



To run the latest code, the WASAPI client may be downloaded or cloned from GitHub. From inside the top-level of the py-wasapi-client directory, install with:

 $ python setup.py install

Alternatively, the most recent release (not guaranteed to be the latest code) may be installed from PyPi:

 $ pip install py-wasapi-client

Once installed, run the client at the command line with:

 $ wasapi-client --help

That gives you usage instructions:

usage: wasapi-client [-h] [-b BASE_URI] [-d DESTINATION] [-l LOG] [-n] [-v]
                     [--profile PROFILE | -u USER | -t TOKEN]
                     [-c | -m | -p PROCESSES | -s | -r]
                     [--collection COLLECTION [COLLECTION ...]]
                     [--filename FILENAME] [--crawl CRAWL]
                     [--crawl-time-after CRAWL_TIME_AFTER]
                     [--crawl-time-before CRAWL_TIME_BEFORE]
                     [--crawl-start-after CRAWL_START_AFTER]
                     [--crawl-start-before CRAWL_START_BEFORE]

        Download WARC files from a WASAPI access point.

        Acceptable date/time formats are:
         2017-01-01 12:34:56
         2017-01-01 12:34:56-0700

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BASE_URI, --base-uri BASE_URI
                        base URI for WASAPI access; default:
                        location for storing downloaded files
  -l LOG, --log LOG     file to which logging should be written
  -n, --no-manifest     do not generate checksum files (ignored when used in
                        combination with --manifest)
  -v, --verbose         log verbosely; -v is INFO, -vv is DEBUG
  --profile PROFILE     profile to use for API authentication
  -u USER, --user USER  username for API authentication
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        token for API authentication
  -c, --count           print number of files for download and exit
  -m, --manifest        generate checksum files only and exit
  -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        number of WARC downloading processes
  -s, --size            print count and total size of files and exit
  -r, --urls            list URLs for downloadable files only and exit

query parameters:
  parameters for webdata request

  --collection COLLECTION [COLLECTION ...]
                        collection identifier
  --filename FILENAME   exact webdata filename to download
  --crawl CRAWL         crawl job identifier
  --crawl-time-after CRAWL_TIME_AFTER
                        request files created on or after this date/time
  --crawl-time-before CRAWL_TIME_BEFORE
                        request files created before this date/time
  --crawl-start-after CRAWL_START_AFTER
                        request files from crawl jobs starting on or after
                        this date/time
  --crawl-start-before CRAWL_START_BEFORE
                        request files from crawl jobs starting before this


When you are using the tool to query an Archive-It or Webrecorder WASAPI endpoint, you will need to supply a username and password for the API. You have three options to provide these credentials.

  1. Supply a username with -u, and you will be prompted for a password.
  2. Set an environment variable called 'WASAPI_USER' to supply a username and a variable called 'WASAPI_PASS' to supply a password.
  3. Supply a profile --profile defined in a configuration file. The configuration file should be at ~/.wasapi-client.

An example profile:

username = exampleUser
password = examplePassword

Order of precedence is command line, environment, config file.

Example Usage

The following command downloads the WARC files available from a crawl with crawl id 256119 and logs program output to a file named out.log. The program will prompt the user to enter the password for user myusername. Downloads are carried out by one process.

 $ wasapi-client -u myusername --crawl 256119 --log /tmp/out.log -p 1

The following command downloads similarly, but user credentials are supplied by a configuration file.

 $ wasapi-client --profile unt --crawl 256119 --log out.log -p 1

You may supply an API token instead of user credentials.

 $ wasapi-client --token thisistheAPItokenIwasgiven --crawl 256119 --log out.log -p 1

The following command downloads the WARC files available from crawls that occurred in the specified time range. Verbose logging is being written to a file named out.log. Downloads are happening via four processes and written to a directory at /tmp/wasapi_warcs/.

 $ wasapi-client --profile unt --crawl-start-after 2016-12-22T13:01:00 --crawl-start-before 2016-12-22T15:11:00  -vv --log out.log -p 4 -d /tmp/wasapi_warcs/

The following command produces the size and file count of all content available to the user.

 $ wasapi-client --profile unt -s 

The following command gives the user the number of files available by the given query parameters.

 $ wasapi-client --profile unt --crawl 256119 -c 

The following command downloads the file called example.warc.gz to the current working directory.

$ wasapi-client --profile unt --filename example.warc.gz

By default, manifest files are generated to provide checksums for the files to be downloaded. One manifest file is generated for each hash algorithm provided by the WASAPI access point. The manifest files are written to the download destination. If you don't want manifest files, use the --no-manifest flag.

$ wasapi-client --profile unt --crawl 256119 --log out.log --no-manifest

If you want to generate manifest files for your available webdata files without actually downloading the webdata files, use the --manifest flag.

$ wasapi-client --profile unt --crawl 256119 --manifest

If you would like to produce a list of URLs where your webdata files can later be downloaded by another tool (such as wget) rather than having wasapi-client do the downloading, use the --urls flag.

$ wasapi-client --profile unt --crawl 256119 --urls

To use the client with Webrecorder (not all query parameters may be supported), supply the base URL with -b.

$ wasapi-client -b https://webrecorder.io/api/v1/download/webdata --profile webrecorder --collection my_collection -d warcs

Run the Tests

$ python setup.py test


$ pip install tox
$ tox