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basgo compiles BASIC-lang to Golang.

basgo compiles BASIC-lang to Golang. Then go build can translate the code to native executable binary.

Created by gh-md-toc


In order to build the 'basgo-build' compiler, a recent version of Go is required.

If your system lacks Go, this recipe will install a current release of Go:

git clone https://github.com/udhos/update-golang
cd update-golang
sudo ./update-golang.sh

For Windows systems, get the Go installer here: https://golang.org/dl/

Version 0.5 requires GCC

Versions up to 0.4 of 'basgo-build' compiler did not require GCC.

In version 0.5 the experimental support for graphics introduced GCC as requirement.


If you want to run the basgo compiler on Windows, see the file README-windows.md.

Install git for Windows


Install mingw64 to provide GCC for Windows

This is a quick recipe on how to install mingw64 on Windows.


Open CMD.exe and run 'gcc --version':

C:\Users\evert>gcc --version
gcc (x86_64-posix-sjlj-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO



If you don't want to hack the compiler, you can download a precompiled binary release here:


Install only the 'basgo-build' compiler

The recipe below will install 'basgo-build' under "~/go/bin".

# if you don't have goyacc yet
go get -d modernc.org/goyacc         ;# if Go < 1.17
go install modernc.org/goyacc@latest ;# if Go >= 1.17

git clone https://github.com/udhos/basgo
cd basgo
go generate ./basparser
go install ./basgo-build

Full install for development

If you want to hack the compiler, perform a full build (including tests):

git clone https://github.com/udhos/basgo
cd basgo

Run the Compiler

Run the script 'basc'

The utility 'basc' performs the full compilation steps automatically:

# On Linux
echo '10 print "hello world"' > hello.bas
basc hello.bas                            ;# compile hello.bas to ./hello/hello
./hello/hello                             ;# execute the resulting binary

rem On Windows
echo 10 print "hello world" > hello.bas
basc hello.bas                            ;# compile hello.bas to .\hello\hello.exe
.\hello\hello                             ;# execute the resulting binary

Run the compiler manually

basgo-build < program.bas > program.go
go run program.go                      ;# builds and runs program.go

Status and Limitations

The compiler currently can handle many simple programs.

Limitations include lack of support for sound, graphics and hardware-specific instructions (POKE, PEEK, etc).

See also known issues: https://github.com/udhos/basgo/issues


basgo-build < examples/game.bas > game.go
go run game.go                            ;# builds and runs game.go

Sample - Hello World

$ echo '10 print "hello world!"' | basgo-build > a.go
$ go run a.go
hello world!

Use _GOFUNC to call Go function from BASIC code

_GOFUNC() is a BASIC keyword introduced by the 'basgo' compiler in order to call a Go function from BASIC code.

10 result = _GOFUNC("func_name", arg1, arg2, ..., argN)
20 print result

See gofunc

Run the Interpreter

Status: the interpreter currently can only parse simple programs, but is unable to execute anything.

# interpreter interactively reads from stdin

BASIC References

BASIC programs and games

https://www.completelyfreesoftware.com/old_games.html - A Collection Of 1980s Games

http://www.dunnington.info/public/startrek/index.html - Star Trek

https://sparcie.wordpress.com/tag/gwbasic/ - Few GW-BASIC games

http://www.eddiesegoura.com/Games/ - BASIC Games

http://peyre.x10.mx/GWBASIC/ - A page about GWBASIC Games & Other Programs


http://www.moorecad.com/classicbasic/index.html - Classic Basic Games Page

http://www.classicbasicgames.org/ - Classic BASIC Games

http://www.vintage-basic.net/games.html - BASIC Computer Games

BASIC documentation

https://hwiegman.home.xs4all.nl/gw-man/ - GW-BASIC User's Guide

http://www.antonis.de/qbebooks/gwbasman/ - GW-BASIC User's Guide

http://www.antonis.de/qbebooks/gwbasman/chapter%206.html - Operators

https://robhagemans.github.io/pcbasic/doc/1.2/#guide - Language Guide

http://www.worldofspectrum.org/ZXBasicManual/ - SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM - BASIC Programming

BASIC interpreters and compilers

https://github.com/robhagemans/pcbasic - GW-BASIC emulator

https://github.com/skx/gobasic/ - BASIC interpreter in Golang

https://github.com/navionguy/basicwasm - Web UI for GWBasic programs compiled to wasm

2D Graphics Packages

https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne - UI toolkit

https://github.com/faiface/pixel - 2D game library

https://github.com/fogleman/gg - 2D rendering only, does not send to screen