


Go Report Card codecov Go Reference MIT license GitHub release (latest by date) e2e test

This is a golang based implementation of the github-markdown-toc tool.

The advantages of this implementation:

Attention: gh-md-toc is able to work properly only if your machine is connected to the Internet.

Table of Contents

Created by gh-md-toc


Precompiled binaries

See the releases page, "Downloads" section:

For example:

$ wget https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc.go/releases/download/1.1.0/gh-md-toc.linux.amd64.tgz
$ tar xzvf gh-md-toc.linux.amd64.tgz
$ ./gh-md-toc --version

Compiling from source

You need golang installed in your OS:

$ make build
$ ./gh-md-toc --help
usage: gh-md-toc [<flags>] [<path>...]

  --help           Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --serial         Grab TOCs in the serial mode
  --hide-header    Hide TOC header
  --hide-footer    Hide TOC footer
  --start-depth=0  Start including from this level. Defaults to 0 (include all levels)
  --depth=0        How many levels of headings to include. Defaults to 0 (all)
  --no-escape      Do not escape chars in sections
  --token=TOKEN    GitHub personal token
  --indent=2       Indent space of generated list
  --debug          Show debug info
  --version        Show application version.

  [<path>]  Local path or URL of the document to grab TOC. Read MD from stdin if not entered.

Go Install

You need golang installed in your OS:

go install "github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc.go/cmd/gh-md-toc@latest"

Homebew (Mac only)

$ brew install github-markdown-toc


$ make test
coverage: 28.8% of statements
ok      _~/projects/my/github-toc.go    0.003s



Here's an example of TOC creating for markdown from STDIN:

➥ cat ~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md | ./gh-md-toc
  * [Dockerfile.vim](#dockerfilevim)
  * [Screenshot](#screenshot)
  * [Installation](#installation)
        * [OR using Pathogen:](#or-using-pathogen)
        * [OR using Vundle:](#or-using-vundle)
  * [License](#license)

Local files

Here's an example of TOC creating for a local README.md:

➥ ./gh-md-toc ~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md                                                                                                                                                Вс. марта 22 22:51:46 MSK 2015

Table of Contents

  * [Dockerfile.vim](#dockerfilevim)
  * [Screenshot](#screenshot)
  * [Installation](#installation)
        * [OR using Pathogen:](#or-using-pathogen)
        * [OR using Vundle:](#or-using-vundle)
  * [License](#license)

Remote files

And here's an example, when you have a README.md like this:

And you want to generate TOC for it.

There is nothing easier:

➥ ./gh-md-toc https://github.com/ekalinin/envirius/blob/master/README.md

Table of Contents

  * [envirius](#envirius)
    * [Idea](#idea)
    * [Features](#features)
  * [Installation](#installation)
  * [Uninstallation](#uninstallation)
  * [Available plugins](#available-plugins)
  * [Usage](#usage)
    * [Check available plugins](#check-available-plugins)
    * [Check available versions for each plugin](#check-available-versions-for-each-plugin)
    * [Create an environment](#create-an-environment)
    * [Activate/deactivate environment](#activatedeactivate-environment)
      * [Activating in a new shell](#activating-in-a-new-shell)
      * [Activating in the same shell](#activating-in-the-same-shell)
    * [Get list of environments](#get-list-of-environments)
    * [Get current activated environment](#get-current-activated-environment)
    * [Do something in environment without enabling it](#do-something-in-environment-without-enabling-it)
    * [Get help](#get-help)
    * [Get help for a command](#get-help-for-a-command)
  * [How to add a plugin?](#how-to-add-a-plugin)
    * [Mandatory elements](#mandatory-elements)
      * [plug_list_versions](#plug_list_versions)
      * [plug_url_for_download](#plug_url_for_download)
      * [plug_build](#plug_build)
    * [Optional elements](#optional-elements)
      * [Variables](#variables)
      * [Functions](#functions)
    * [Examples](#examples)
  * [Example of the usage](#example-of-the-usage)
  * [Dependencies](#dependencies)
  * [Supported OS](#supported-os)
  * [Tests](#tests)
  * [Version History](#version-history)
  * [License](#license)
  * [README in another language](#readme-in-another-language)

That's all! Now all you need — is copy/paste result from console into original README.md.

And here is a result:

Multiple files

It supports multiple files as well:

➥ ./gh-md-toc \
    https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/hello_world/README.md \
    https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/control_flow/README.md \
    https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/primitive_types_and_operators/README.md \

  * [Hello world](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/hello_world/README.md#hello-world)

  * [Control Flow](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/control_flow/README.md#control-flow)
    * [If](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/control_flow/README.md#if)
    * [Loops](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/control_flow/README.md#loops)
    * [For loops](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/control_flow/README.md#for-loops)
    * [Switch/Match](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/control_flow/README.md#switchmatch)
    * [Method call](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/control_flow/README.md#method-call)

  * [Primitive Types and Operators](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/primitive_types_and_operators/README.md#primitive-types-and-operators)

  * [Unique Pointers](https://github.com/aminb/rust-for-c/blob/master/unique_pointers/README.md#unique-pointers)

Processing of multiple documents is in parallel mode since version 0.4.0 You can use (old) serial mode by passing option --serial in the console:

$ ./gh-md-toc --serial ...


➥ time (./gh-md-toc --serial README.md ../envirius/README.ru.md ../github-toc/README.md > /dev/null)

real    0m1.200s
user    0m0.040s
sys     0m0.004s
➥ time (./gh-md-toc README.md ../envirius/README.ru.md ../github-toc/README.md > /dev/null)

real    0m0.784s
user    0m0.036s
sys     0m0.004s


You can easily combine both ways:

➥ ./gh-md-toc \
    ~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md \

  * [Dockerfile.vim](~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md#dockerfilevim)
  * [Screenshot](~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md#screenshot)
  * [Installation](~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md#installation)
        * [OR using Pathogen:](~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md#or-using-pathogen)
        * [OR using Vundle:](~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md#or-using-vundle)
  * [License](~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md#license)

  * [sitemap.js](https://github.com/ekalinin/sitemap.js/blob/master/README.md#sitemapjs)
    * [Installation](https://github.com/ekalinin/sitemap.js/blob/master/README.md#installation)
    * [Usage](https://github.com/ekalinin/sitemap.js/blob/master/README.md#usage)
    * [License](https://github.com/ekalinin/sitemap.js/blob/master/README.md#license)

Created by [gh-md-toc](https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc)

Starting Depth

Use --start-depth=INT to control the starting header level (i.e. include only the levels starting with INT)

➥ ./gh-md-toc --start-depth=1 ~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md

Table of Contents

  * [Or using Pathogen:](#or-using-pathogen)
  * [Or using Vundle:](#or-using-vundle)

Created by [gh-md-toc](https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc)


Use --depth=INT to control how many levels of headers to include in the TOC

➥ ./gh-md-toc --depth=1 ~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/README.md

Table of Contents

  * [Dockerfile\.vim](#dockerfilevim)
  * [Screenshot](#screenshot)
  * [Installation](#installation)
  * [License](#license)

No escape

➥ ./gh-md-toc ~/projects/my/Dockerfile.vim/README.md | grep Docker
* [Dockerfile\.vim](#dockerfilevim)

➥ ./gh-md-toc --no-escape ~/projects/my/Dockerfile.vim/README.md | grep Docker
* [Dockerfile.vim](#dockerfilevim)

GitHub token

All your tokents are here.

Example for cli argument:

➥ ./gh-md-toc --depth=1 --token=2a2dabe1f2c2399bd542ba93fe6ce70fe7898563 README.md

Table of Contents

* [github\-markdown\-toc](#github-markdown-toc)
* [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Tests](#tests)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [LICENSE](#license)

Example for environment variable:

➥ GH_TOC_TOKEN=2a2dabe1f2c2399bd542ba93fe6ce70fe7898563 ./gh-md-toc --depth=1  README.md

Table of Contents

* [github\-markdown\-toc](#github-markdown-toc)
* [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Tests](#tests)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [LICENSE](#license)

GitHub Enterprise Server

If you're using GitHub Enterprise Server, you can override default URL for API:

➥ GH_TOC_URL=https://api.github.mycompany.com ./gh-md-toc README.md

Bash/ZSH auto-complete

Just add a simple command into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

# for zsh
eval "$(gh-md-toc --completion-script-zsh)"

# for bash
eval "$(gh-md-toc --completion-script-bash)"

Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux uses musl instead of glibc by default. If you install binutils and run…

apk add binutils && \
readelf -l /path/to/gh-md-toc

…you'll see that it relies on /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 as its interpreter. You can solve this by installing libc6-compat alongside downloading the Linux amd64 build.

apk add libc6-compat


See LICENSE file.