Tileable procedural textures
Collection of tileable procedural textures:
- value noise (with derivatives and gradient rotation)
- gradient noise (with derivatives)
- perlin noise (with gradient rotation)
- checkerboard (diagonal)
- patterns: tile weaves, cross, waves, stairs
- celullar noise (with derivatives and phase)
- metaballs (variant of cellular noise)
- voronoi (edges, cells)
- fbms (value, perlin, voronoi and derivative)
- domain warping (fbnm and gradient curl)
- hexagonal grid and noise variant
Classic Noise
Random, Value Noise, Value Noise Derivatives and Grid Noise variant
Functions: hash3D (from 1D to 4D), noise, noised and gridNoise.
Gradient Noise (Derivatives and configurable Disorder)
Functions: gradientNoise, gradientNoised and gradientNoiseDisorder.
Perlin Noise (Derivatives and variant)
Functions: perlinNoise, perlinNoised and organicNoise.
Worley Noise
Cellular Noise (F1 and F2), Metaballs and Cellular Noise Derivatives
Functions: cellularNoise (F1), cellularNoise (F2), metaballs and cellularNoised.
Cellular Noise metrics (Manhattan, Chebyshev and Triangular)
Functions: cellularNoise.
Voronoi (minimum edge distance, Cracks, random pattern and IDs)
Functions: voronoi, cracks, voronoiPattern and voronoi (tile position of the cell).
Hexagons Noise
Functions: noiseHexagons and noiseHexagonsd.
Checkerboard (plus 45 angle), Random Lines and Dots
Functions: checkerboard, checkerboard45, randomLines and dotsNoise.
Metaballs, Line Waves, Stairs and Cross Pattern
Functions: metaballs, wavePattern, stairsPattern and crossPattern.
Tile weaves with normal (Vesica and Capsule)
Functions: tileWeave.
Tile hexagons (UV, position and edge distance)
Functions: tileHexagons and tileHexagonsRadii (utility).
Value Noise, Perlin Noise, Grid Noise and Metaballs
Functions: fbm, fbmPerlin (mode == 4u), fbmGrid and fbmMetaballs.
Functions: fbmMulti.
Sloped FBMs with derivatives (Value and Perlin)
Functions: fbmd and fbmdPerlin.
Perlin FBMs (Ridge Multiply, Ridge Add, Perlin Multiply and Perlin Add)
Functions: fbmPerlin (mode: 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u).
Image FBMs with derivatives (can be used with image inputs, both grayscale and color)
Functions: fbmGrayscaleImaged and fbmImage.
Domain warp
Warping of FBMs (Value noise, Negative Value Noise, Perlin Noise and QR warping)
Functions: fbmWarp and fbmPerlinWarp.
Q and R factors
The Q and R values of the warp can be used to mix different patterns/colors:
vec2 q, r;
float f = fbmWarp(p, scale, factors, octaves, shifts, phase, gain, vec2(lacunarity), slopeness, 0.0, true, 0.0, q, r);
col = mix(vec3(0.1,0.5,0.8), vec3(0.6,0.6,0.3), clamp((f * f) * 8.0, 0.0, 1.0));
col = mix(col, vec3(0.0, 0.1, 0.05), length(q));
col = mix(col, vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), r.x);
col = mix(col, col * vec3(0.8, 0.4, 0.2), 0.5 * pow(length(r), 4.0));
Warping variants of Perlin Noise (using dervatives and curl)
Functions: perlinNoiseWarp and curlWarp.
Based on:
- Filtering the checkerboard pattern by Inigo Quilez.
- Value noise derivatives by Inigo Quilez.
- Voronoi edges by Inigo Quilez.
- 2D distance functions by Inigo Quilez.
- GPU Texture-Free Noise by Brian Sharpe.
- Modifications to Classic Perlin Noise by Brian Sharpe.
- Hash Functions for GPU Rendering by Mark Jarzynski.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.