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A gulp wrapper for Bootlint, the HTML linter for Bootstrap projects.


First steps

If you are familiar with gulp just install the plugin from npm with the following command:

npm install gulp-bootlint --save-dev

Otherwise check out the Getting Started guide of gulp first.

Create a new gulp task

After installing the plugin you can create a new gulp task in your gulpfile.js like this:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var bootlint = require('gulp-bootlint');

gulp.task('bootlint', function() {
  return gulp.src('./index.html')


You can pass the following options as a single object when calling the bootlint plugin.


Stops the gulp task if there are errors in the linted file.


Stops the gulp task if there are warnings in the linted file.


Array of bootlint problem ID codes (as Strings) to explicitly ignore.


All found issues (Objects of type LintWarning and LintError) are stored in this array. You can access and use them after executing this module.

The classes LintWarning and LintError are described here https://github.com/twbs/bootlint#api-documentation.


A function that will log out the lint errors to the console. Only use this if you want to customize how the lint errors are reported. If desired, this can be turned off entirely by setting reportFn: false.


A function that will log out the final lint error/warning summary to the console. Only use this if you want to customize how this is reported. If desired, this can be turned off entirely by setting summaryReportFn: false.

Example of options usage:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var bootlint = require('gulp-bootlint');

gulp.task('bootlint', function () {
  var fileIssues = [];
  return gulp.src('./index.html')
      stoponerror: true,
      stoponwarning: true,
      disabledIds: ['W009', 'E007'],
      issues: fileIssues,
      reportFn: function (file, lint, isError, isWarning, errorLocation) {
        var message = (isError) ? 'ERROR! - ' : 'WARN! - ';
        if (errorLocation) {
          message += file.path + ' (line:' + (errorLocation.line + 1) + ', col:' + (errorLocation.column + 1) + ') [' + lint.id + '] ' + lint.message;
        } else {
          message += file.path + ': ' + lint.id + ' ' + lint.message;
      summaryReportFn: function(file, errorCount, warningCount) {
        if (errorCount > 0 || warningCount > 0) {
          console.log('please fix the ' + errorCount + ' errors and ' + warningCount + ' warnings in ' + file.path);
        } else {
          console.log('No problems found in ' + file.path);

Log level

To set the log level please use the LOG_LEVEL environment variable before starting your gulp task:

$ LOG_LEVEL=error npm run gulp

Available log levels are listed here: https://github.com/medikoo/log#available-log-levels
