

Hardened Kernel Builder for Raspberry Pi

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Cross-compile the Linux kernel for Raspberry Pi with enhanced security support in a single command.



This command shows the options of the builder:

$ docker run --rm tschaffter/raspberry-pi-kernel-hardened
Cross-compiling hardened kernels for Raspberry Pi
Usage: build-kernel.sh [--kernel-branch <arg>] [--kernel-defconfig <arg>] [--kernel-localversion <arg>] [-h|--help]
    --kernel-branch: Kernel branch to build (default: '')
    --kernel-defconfig: Default kernel config to use (default: '')
    --kernel-localversion: Kernel local version (default: '')
    -h, --help: Prints help

Build the hardened kernel

Identify the kernel version to build

Go to the GitHub repository of the Linux kernel of Raspberry Pi and identify the name of the branch or tag that you want to build.


Identify the default configuration to use

Go to the page Kernel building of the Raspberry Pi website to identify the configuration to apply for your Pi.


Please visit the above page to make sure that these examples are up-to-date.

Cross-compile the kernel

Below is a command that build the branch rpi-5.4.y for the Raspberry Pi 4 (bcm2711_defconfig). Because this branch is still in development, we recommand to include today's date to the value of --kernel-localversion. The value of --kernel-localversion can be set to anything you want.

$ mkdir -p output && docker run \
    --rm \
    -v $PWD/output:/output \
    tschaffter/raspberry-pi-kernel-hardened \
        --kernel-branch rpi-5.4.y \
        --kernel-defconfig bcm2711_defconfig \
        --kernel-localversion $(date '+%Y%m%d')-hardened
Cloning into '/home/builder/tools'...
Installing cross compiler toolchain
Checking out files: 100% (19059/19059), done.
Getting kernel source code
Cloning into '/home/builder/linux'...

Moving .deb packages to /output
SUCCESS The kernel has been successfully packaged.

sudo dpkg -i linux-*-5.4.y-20200804-hardened*.deb
sudo sh -c "echo 'kernel=vmlinuz-5.4.51-20200804-hardened+' >> /boot/config.txt"
sudo reboot

sudo apt-get install selinux-basics selinux-policy-default auditd
sudo sh -c "sed -i '$ s/$/ selinux=1 security=selinux/' /boot/cmdline.txt"
sudo touch /.autorelabel
sudo reboot

After installing the above kernel, its version will be:

$ uname -r

Note: The builder inside the docker container runs as a non-root user. The command mkdir output included in the above command ensures that the builder will be able to save the output kernel files to the output folder.

Install the kernel

Copy the Debian packages *.deb generated to the target Raspbery Pi, for example using scp. Then follow the instructions given at the end of the command used to build the kernel (see above).

Install the kernel source

You can also install the kernel source in case you need it to compile a module for the kernel in the future.

  1. Copy the archive linux-source-<version>.tar.xz to the Pi.

  2. Extract the archive in /usr/src/.

     tar -xf linux-source-<version>.tar.xz
  3. Create a symbolic link /usr/src/linux to the folder extracted.

     ln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux-source-<version>

Update the kernel

Repeat the same protocol as given above to build and install a newer version of the kernel. The only difference is that after installing the *.deb packages with dpkg, you only have to update /boot/config.txt so that the new kernel is loaded at boot. The kernel source must also be updated if it has been previously installed.

Customize the build

Contributing change

Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to contribute to this project.

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