

<img src="codex_logo.png" width="450" />

CoDEx is a set of knowledge graph Completion Datasets Extracted from Wikidata and Wikipedia. As introduced and described by our EMNLP 2020 paper <a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.07810.pdf" target="_blank">CoDEx: A Comprehensive Knowledge Graph Completion Benchmark</a>, CoDEx offers three rich knowledge graph datasets that contain positive and hard negative triples, entity types, entity and relation descriptions, and Wikipedia page extracts for entities. We provide baseline performance results, configuration files, and pretrained models on CoDEx using the LibKGE framework for two knowledge graph completion tasks, link prediction and triple classification.

The statistics for each CoDEx dataset are as follows:

EntitiesRelationsTrainValid (+)Test (+)Valid (-)Test (-)Total triples
Raw dump380,03875-----1,156,222

Note: If you are interested in contributing to the CoDEx corpus, feel free to open an issue or a PR!

Table of contents

  1. <a href="#quick-start">Quick start</a>
  2. <a href="#explore">Data exploration and analysis</a>
  3. <a href="#models">Pretrained models and results</a>
    • <a href="#kge">LibKGE setup</a>
    • <a href="#scripts">Reproducing our results</a>
      • <a href="#lp-script">Link prediction</a>
      • <a href="#tc-script">Triple classification</a>
      • <a href="#baseline-script">Comparison to FB15k-237</a>
    • <a href="#pretrained">Downloading pretrained models via the command line</a>
    • <a href="#lp">Link prediction results</a>
      • <a href="#s-lp">CoDEx-S</a>
      • <a href="#m-lp">CoDEx-M</a>
      • <a href="#l-lp">CoDEx-L</a>
    • <a href="#tc">Triple classification results</a>
      • <a href="#s-tc">CoDEx-S</a>
      • <a href="#m-tc">CoDEx-M</a>
  4. <a href="#data">Data directory structure</a>
    • <a href="#entities">Entities and entity types</a>
    • <a href="#relations">Relations</a>
    • <a href="#triples">Triples</a>
  5. <a href="#cite">How to cite</a>
  6. <a href="#ref">References and acknowledgements</a>

<a id="quick-start">Quick start</a>

If you'd like to download the CoDEx data, code, and/or pretrained models locally to your machine, run the following commands. If you only want to play with the data in a remote environment, head to the <a href="#explore">next section on data exploration and analysis</a>, and follow the instructions to view the CoDEx data with Colab.

# unzip the repository
git clone https://github.com/tsafavi/codex.git
cd codex

# extract English Wikipedia plain-text excerpts for entities
# other language codes available: ar, de, es, ru, zh
./extract.sh en

# set up a virtual environment and install the Python requirements
python3.7 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# finally, install the codex data-loading API
pip install -e .

<a id="explore">Data exploration and analysis</a>

To get familiar with the CoDEx datasets and the data-loading API in an easy-to-use interface, we have provided an exploration Jupyter notebook called Explore CoDEx.ipynb.

You have two options for running the notebook:

<a id="models">Pretrained models and results</a>

<a id="kge">LibKGE setup</a>

To use the pretrained models or run any scripts that involve pretrained models, you will need to set up LibKGE. Run the following:

# run from codex/
# this may take a few minutes

This script will install the library inside codex/kge/, download the FB15K-237 dataset (which we use in our experiments) to kge/data/, and copy each CoDEx dataset to kge/data/ and preprocess each dataset according to the format the LibKGE requires.

<a id="scripts">Reproducing our results</a>

We provide evaluation scripts to reproduce results in our paper. You must have set up LibKGE using the <a href="#kge">instructions we provided</a>.

<a id="lp-script">Link prediction</a>

scripts/lp_gpu.sh and scripts/lp_cpu.sh run link prediction on all models and datasets using the LibKGE evaluation API. To run on GPU:

# run from codex/
# this may take a few minutes
scripts/lp_gpu.sh  # change to lp_cpu.sh to run on CPU

Note that this script first downloads all link prediction models on CoDEx-S through L and saves them to models/link-prediction/codex-{s,m,l}/ if they do not already exist.

<a id="tc-script">Triple classification</a>

scripts/tc.sh runs triple classification and outputs validation and test accuracy/F1. To run:

# run from codex/
# this may take a few minutes
scripts/tc.sh  # runs on CPU

Note that this script first downloads all triple classification models on CoDEx-S and CoDEx-M and saves them to models/triple-classification/codex-{s,m}/ if they do not already exist.

<a id="baseline-script">Comparison to FB15k-237</a>

scripts/baseline.sh compares a simple frequency baseline to the best model on CoDEx-M and the FB15K-237 benchmark. The results are saved to CSV files named fb.csv and codex.csv, respectively. To run:

# run from codex/
# this may take a few minutes
scripts/baseline.sh  # runs on CPU

Note that this script first downloads the best pretrained LibKGE model on FB15K-237 to models/link-prediction/fb15k-237/rescal/ and the best link prediction model on CoDEx-M to models/link-prediction/codex-m/complex/ if they do not already exist.

<a id="pretrained">Downloading pretrained models via the command line</a>

To download pretrained models via the command line, use our download_pretrained.py Python script. The arguments are as follows:

usage: download_pretrained.py [-h]
                              {s,m,l} {triple-classification,link-prediction}
                              [{rescal,transe,complex,conve,tucker} ...]

positional arguments:
  {s,m,l}               CoDEx dataset to download model(s)
                        Task to download model(s) for
                        Model(s) to download for this task

For example, if you want to download the pretrained link prediction models for ComplEx and ConvE on CoDEx-M:

# run from codex/
python download_pretrained.py m link-prediction complex conve

This script will place a checkpoint_best.pt LibKGE checkpoint file in models/link-prediction/codex-m/complex/ and models/link-prediction/codex-m/conve/, respectively.

Alternatively, you can download the models manually following the links we provide here.

<a id="lp">Link prediction results</a>

<a id="s-lp">CoDEx-S</a>

MRRHits@1Hits@3Hits@10Config filePretrained model

<a id="m-lp">CoDEx-M</a>

MRRHits@1Hits@3Hits@10Config filePretrained model

<a id="l-lp">CoDEx-L</a>

MRRHits@1Hits@3Hits@10Config filePretrained model

<a id="tc">Triple classification results</a>

<a id="s-tc">CoDEx-S</a>

AccF1Config filePretrained model

<a id="m-tc">CoDEx-M</a>

AccF1Config filePretrained model

<a id="data">Data directory structure</a>

The data/ directory is structured as follows:

├── entities
│   ├── ar
│   ├── de
│   ├── en
│   ├── es
│   ├── ru
│   └── zh
├── relations
│   ├── ar
│   ├── de
│   ├── en
│   ├── es
│   ├── ru
│   └── zh
├── triples
│   ├── codex-l
│   ├── codex-m
│   ├── codex-s
│   └── raw.zip
└── types
    ├── ar
    ├── de
    ├── en
    ├── entity2types.json
    ├── es
    ├── ru
    └── zh

We provide an overview of each subdirectory in this section.

<a id="entities">Entities and entity types</a>

We provide entity labels, Wikidata descriptions, and Wikipedia page extracts for entities and entity types in six languages: Arabic (ar), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), Russian (ru), and Chineze (zh).

Each subdirectory of data/entities/ contains an entities.json file formatted as follows:

  <Wikidata entity ID>:{
    "label":<label in respective language if available>,
    "description":<Wikidata description in respective language if available>,
    "wiki":<Wikipedia page URL in respective language if available>

For the labels, descriptions, or Wikipedia URLs that are not available in a given language, the value will be the empty string.

The file data/types/entity2types.json maps each Wikidata entity ID to a list of Wikidata type IDs, i.e.,

  "<Wikidata entity ID>":[
    <Wikidata type ID 1>,
    <Wikidata type ID 2>,

Each subdirectory of data/types/ contains a types.json file formatted as follows:

  <Wikidata type ID>:{
    "label":<label in respective language if available>,
    "description":<Wikidata description in respective language if available>,
    "wiki":<Wikipedia page URL in respective language if available>

Each extracts.zip file contains zipped files of entity descriptions from Wikipedia. Each file is named <Wikidata entity ID>.txt. We provide the extract_en.sh script to unzip all English-language entity and entity type extracts. You can edit this script and provide a different language code (ar for Arabic, de for German, es for Spanish, ru for Russian, and zh for Chinese) to extract descriptions for other languages.

<a id="relations">Relations</a>

We provide relation labels and Wikidata descriptions for relations in six languages: Arabic (ar), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), Russian (ru), and Chineze (zh).

Each subdirectory of data/relations/ contains a relations.json file formatted as follows:

  <Wikidata relation ID>:{
    "label":<label in respective language if available>,
    "description":<Wikidata description in respective language if available>

<a id="triples">Triples</a>

Each triple file follows the format

<Wikidata head entity ID>\t<Wikidata relation ID>\t<Wikidata tail entity ID>

without any header or extra information per line.

If you'd like to use the raw data dump, run

cd data/triples
unzip raw.zip

This will create a new data/triples/raw/ directory containing a single file, triples.txt, in the same tab-separated format as the other triple files.

<a id="cite">How to cite</a>

You can find the full text of our paper <a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.07810.pdf" target="_blank">here</a>.

If you used our work or found it helpful, please use the following citation:

    title = "{C}o{DE}x: A {C}omprehensive {K}nowledge {G}raph {C}ompletion {B}enchmark",
    author = "Safavi, Tara  and
      Koutra, Danai",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.emnlp-main.669",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.669",
    pages = "8328--8350",
    abstract = "We present CoDEx, a set of knowledge graph completion datasets extracted from Wikidata and Wikipedia that improve upon existing knowledge graph completion benchmarks in scope and level of difficulty. In terms of scope, CoDEx comprises three knowledge graphs varying in size and structure, multilingual descriptions of entities and relations, and tens of thousands of hard negative triples that are plausible but verified to be false. To characterize CoDEx, we contribute thorough empirical analyses and benchmarking experiments. First, we analyze each CoDEx dataset in terms of logical relation patterns. Next, we report baseline link prediction and triple classification results on CoDEx for five extensively tuned embedding models. Finally, we differentiate CoDEx from the popular FB15K-237 knowledge graph completion dataset by showing that CoDEx covers more diverse and interpretable content, and is a more difficult link prediction benchmark. Data, code, and pretrained models are available at https://bit.ly/2EPbrJs.",

<a id="ref">References and acknowledgements</a>

We thank HeadsOfBirds for the lightbulb icon and Evan Bond for the book icon in our logo.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.