



Available as:

Image inheritance


See also tozd/meteor-testing.


Some versions are not build because they have issues.





Image which can serve as a base Docker image for dockerizing Meteor applications.

In the root directory of your Meteor application (the one with .meteor directory) create a Dockerfile file with the following content:

FROM registry.gitlab.com/tozd/docker/meteor:ubuntu-focal-<Meteor version>

For example:

FROM registry.gitlab.com/tozd/docker/meteor:ubuntu-focal-1.10.2

Meteor version should be the version of Meteor you want to use to build your Meteor application. By using a fixed version of Meteor you achieve reproducible builds of your application. You can also specify the Ubuntu LTS version you want to use as the basis of your Docker image. In the example above, this is Ubuntu Focal. See all available tags on Docker Hub.

And your Meteor application is dockerized. To optimize image building, especially if you are building the image from a directory where you are also developing the application, add .dockerignore file with something like:


The intended use of this image is that it is run alongside the tozd/meteor-mongodb image for MongoDB database for your Meteor application. You will probably want a HTTP reverse proxy in front. You can use tozd/docker-nginx-proxy image which provides nginx configured as a reverse proxy with automatic SSL support provided by Let's encrypt.

When running Docker image with your Meteor application, you should configure at least ROOT_URL, MONGO_URL, and MONGO_OPLOG_URL environment variables.

You can specify those environment variables when running an image, but you can also export them from the script file volume mounted under /etc/service/meteor/run.config.

Example of a run.config file:


export MONGO_URL="mongodb://meteor:${MONGODB_CREATE_PWD}@mongodb/meteor"
export MONGO_OPLOG_URL="mongodb://oplogger:${MONGODB_OPLOGGER_PWD}@mongodb/local?authSource=admin"

Only export lines are necessary for this image, but others are used by tozd/meteor-mongodb image. You can export also other environment variables.

When you are extending this image, you can add a script /etc/service/meteor/run.initialization which will be run at a container startup, after the container is initialized, but before the Meteor application is run.

If you have to do anything to the base Docker image, before your Meteor application starts building (e.g., installing an Ubuntu package), add a docker-source.sh file to the root of your Meteor application and it will be run before the build.

When LOG_TO_STDOUT is set to 1, Docker image logs output to stdout and stderr. All stdout output is JSON.

Testing image

For testing Meteor applications, use tozd/meteor-testing Docker image instead.

GitHub mirror

There is also a read-only GitHub mirror available, if you need to fork the project there.