

<!-- This file was generated using pnpm generate-readmes script Don't edit this file. Edit the README.md.njk. Macros can be found in readmeMacros/macros.njk --> <h1 align="center" style="border-bottom: none"> <b> <a href="https://tolgee.io">Tolgee JS</a><br> </b> The monorepo containing JS integrations of Tolgee <br> </h1> <div align="center">


Tolgee is an open-source alternative to Crowdin, Phrase, or Lokalise with its very own revolutionary integrations.

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This repository contains browser integration packages of the Tolgee Localization platform.

It provides the ability to easily manage localization texts directly in the context of a web application developed by you.

To learn more, visit https://tolgee.io


@tolgee/core@tolgee/core version
@tolgee/web@tolgee/web version
@tolgee/react@tolgee/react version
@tolgee/ngx@tolgee/react version
@tolgee/vue@tolgee/vue version
@tolgee/svelte@tolgee/svelte version
@tolgee/i18next@tolgee/i18next version
@tolgee/format-icu@tolgee/format-icu version

Why to use Tolgee?

Because it saves a lot of time, you would spend on localization tasks without it. Because it enables you to provide perfectly translated software.


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To learn more, visit https://tolgee.io


<a href="https://github.com/tolgee/tolgee-platform/graphs/contributors"> <img alt="contributors" src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=tolgee/tolgee-js"/> </a>

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