

MessagePack Code Generator

Go Reference test validate

This is a code generation tool and serialization library for MessagePack. You can read more about MessagePack in the wiki, or at msgpack.org.



In a source file, include the following directive:

//go:generate msgp

The msgp command will generate serialization methods for all exported type declarations in the file.

You can read more about the code generation options here.


Field names can be set in much the same way as the encoding/json package. For example:

type Person struct {
	Name       string `msg:"name"`
	Address    string `msg:"address"`
	Age        int    `msg:"age"`
	Hidden     string `msg:"-"` // this field is ignored
	unexported bool             // this field is also ignored

By default, the code generator will satisfy msgp.Sizer, msgp.Encodable, msgp.Decodable, msgp.Marshaler, and msgp.Unmarshaler. Carefully-designed applications can use these methods to do marshalling/unmarshalling with zero heap allocations.

While msgp.Marshaler and msgp.Unmarshaler are quite similar to the standard library's json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler, msgp.Encodable and msgp.Decodable are useful for stream serialization. (*msgp.Writer and *msgp.Reader are essentially protocol-aware versions of *bufio.Writer and *bufio.Reader, respectively.)


Consider the following:

const Eight = 8
type MyInt int
type Data []byte

type Struct struct {
	Which  map[string]*MyInt `msg:"which"`
	Other  Data              `msg:"other"`
	Nums   [Eight]float64    `msg:"nums"`

As long as the declarations of MyInt and Data are in the same file as Struct, the parser will determine that the type information for MyInt and Data can be passed into the definition of Struct before its methods are generated.


MessagePack supports defining your own types through "extensions," which are just a tuple of the data "type" (int8) and the raw binary. You can see a worked example in the wiki.


Mostly stable, in that no breaking changes have been made to the /msgp library in more than a year. Newer versions of the code may generate different code than older versions for performance reasons. I (@philhofer) am aware of a number of stability-critical commercial applications that use this code with good results. But, caveat emptor.

You can read more about how msgp maps MessagePack types onto Go types in the wiki.

Here some of the known limitations/restrictions:

If the output compiles, then there's a pretty good chance things are fine. (Plus, we generate tests for you.) Please, please, please file an issue if you think the generator is writing broken code.


If you like benchmarks, see here and here.

As one might expect, the generated methods that deal with []byte are faster for small objects, but the io.Reader/Writer methods are generally more memory-efficient (and, at some point, faster) for large (> 2KB) objects.