

Benchmarks of Go serialization methods

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This is a test suite for benchmarking various Go serialization methods.

Current Serialization Results


Running the benchmarks

To benchmark and validate, without cloning the repository, replace the . from the commands below with github.com/alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks@latest.

go run .

To validate the correctness of the serializers:

go run . --validate

To update the benchmark report:

go run . --genreport

To update the benchmark report with a longer benchmark run (to get more accurate results):

go test -tags genreport -run TestGenerateReport -benchtime 10s -timeout 1h #--validate


If correctness and interoperability are the most important factors JSON or Protobuf are your best options.

But as always, make your own choice based on your requirements.

Adding New Serializers

Review the following instructions before opening the PR to add a new serializer:

go run . --genreport


The data being serialized is the following structure with randomly generated values:

type A struct {
    Name     string
    BirthDay time.Time
    Phone    string
    Siblings int
    Spouse   bool
    Money    float64