

Tinted Theming: all your themes, everywhere. <img alt="Color wheel" src="./color_wheel.png" width="100" align="right" style="padding-top:0.6rem;">

Matrix Chat

Style systems and smart build tooling for crafting high fidelity color schemes and easily using them in all your favorite apps. Originally based on the amazing work of Chris Kempson and his Base16 system.


Documentation and Specification

The builder and styling specs detail how to compile schemes and templates into application specific configurations.


A scheme is a fixed palette of named colors and (optionally) instructions for how those colors should be used by apps.


A style guide provides rules governing how a scheme's palette should be applied within apps. This means each color is used consistently for similar purposes across all your apps. Individual styling guides often support different sized pallets and have different ideas about how those colors should be deployed.

See the individual styling guides for more information on each:

A scheme is defined using a YAML file. The file specification is in the Builder Guidelines.


A builder is a build tool used by various template repositories to generate files based on scheme file and template file.


A template describes how a scheme should be transformed to support a specific application. A template repository defines a template file, then uses a builder to generate application specific files using the template.

Templates often include ready-to-use pre-built versions of every scheme. These are typically installed directly by end users to use the schemes in different applications.

Supported Applications

Supported applications are applications for which a template exists.

Official Templates

We maintain a number of templates. Each has been sponsored by at least one project member who is committed to maintaining that template.

We are open to accepting new projects, though they must still be sponsored by a project member and have some level of activity. If a project becomes inactive for more than a year, the repo will be archived as inactive. It can be unarchived if another maintainer steps up.




Unofficial Templates

If you have a template you maintain, but don't want to submit it to this org, feel free to add a link to the repository here to add it to this list. These are community maintained templates and may not be updated often.

<details><summary><b>Terminals</b> - terminal and shell related templates</summary> <p> </p> </details> <details><summary><b>Editors</b> - templates for use in code editors and IDEs</summary> <p> </p> </details> <details><summary><b>Window Managers</b> - window managers and related utilities</summary> <p> </p> </details> <details><summary><b>Programming</b> - defaults and utils for use when programming</summary> <p> </p> </details> <details><summary><b>Other</b> - various applications which don't fit in other categories</summary> <p> </p> </details>

Adding Support for a New Application

To add your own template, submit a pull request to this repository to add your repository to the "Unofficial Templates" list below in the relevant category.

Recommended repository naming scheme: [style-name]-[template-name] (with dashes as separators).


To add a Base16 scheme, simply submit a pull request to the base16-schemes repo and add your scheme.


Normally end-users should not need to use builders, as they're primarily meant for maintainers - both scheme and template maintainers. These are tools used to build templates with all the currently submitted schemes.

Spec changes will not be released until there is consensus among maintainers and at least one builder with a pull request ready for implementing that spec version.

See the CHANGELOG for more information about changes in the spec.

Scheme and Template Author Resources

The following is a list of useful resources for anyone creating a Base16 scheme and or template:


If you've written a tool feel free to add it to the list below:


Non-template Themes

Project Chat

Have something you want to discuss, but you're not sure it warrants an issue? Feel free to stop by #tinted-theming:matrix.org on Matrix.
