

base16-builder-node <img alt="Color wheel" src="./color_wheel.png" width="100" align="right" style="padding-top:0.6rem;">

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A builder for schemes and templates based on clear, universal style specifications. The output is app specific theming configurations. Build a color scheme once, use it everywhere.


What is a style specification?

A specification details palette architecture and how it should be used for rendering application UI or syntax highlighting. Real life implementations of a style specification typically include a color scheme and app templates.

Supported specifications


npm install -g base16-builder-node

This package provides a base16 console command. Invoke it from any directory you want to build your themes, templates, and schemes in.

Basic Usage - Base16 example

Your working directory will need the following substructure:

cd working_dir
mkdir -p base16/templates && cd base16
git clone https://github.com/tinted-theming/base16-schemes.git schemes
cd templates
git clone [your template of choice]
git clone [another template of choice]
cd ../..
base16 build base16 --prefix base16-

Builds all templates found in base16/templates using all scheme files from base16/schemes applying the base16- prefix to each.

Build Assets

The theme files will be generated inside every template directory in the subdirectory specified by that template's configuration.

For example: textmate. The built files would be found at:


If you are a template maintainer

The easiest thing is to simply maintain your template repository inside your base16-build working folder (or symlink it).

You could facilitate this easily (from inside your template dir) with a tiny build script, etc:

cd ../../..
base16 build

Credit where it's due

Color wheel icon thanks to Color icons created by Nikita Golubev - Flaticon.