

vsgCs — 3D Tiles and Cesium ion for VSG

vsgCs is a library for using 3D Tiles and other geospatial content within a Vulkan Scene Graph (VSG) application. In particular, it can download assets from a Cesium ion server.

<img src="doc/img/seattle.png" alt="Seattle with OSM buildings">

For streaming and loading content, vsgCs uses the Cesium Native package, which also "powers Cesium's runtime integrations for Cesium for Unreal, Cesium for Unity, and Cesium for O3DE."



Installation - Quick Start

vsgCs will now download most of its dependencies as part of the configuration and build process. The only dependencies that need to be explicitly installed are:

Command line build instructions:

To build and install the static library (libvsgCs.a / libvsgCs.lib) and sample application (worldviewer) on Linux:

    git clone https://github.com/timoore/vsgCs.git
    mkdir build # or wherever you like
    cd build
    cmake ../vsgCs.git -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
    make -j 8
    sudo make install

The cmake part may take a long time to download the Cesium Native library and its dependencies. If you encounter a git error, see the install instructions for possible workarounds.


See usage instructions.


vsgCs and worldviewer have been tested with the Cesium World Terrain and other imagery and tilesets available in the Cesium ion Asset Depot. The OSM Buildings tileset works. For future directions, check out our roadmap. Enjoy!

<img src="doc/img/london.png" alt="London, England">