

<p align="center"> <a href="https://tigase.net/"> <img alt="Tigase Message Archiving Component" src="https://github.com/tigaseinc/website-assets/raw/master/tigase/images/tigase-logo.png?raw=true" width="300" /> </a> </p> <p align="center"> Tigase Message Archiving Component for Tigase XMPP Server. </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="Tigase Logo" src="https://github.com/tigaseinc/website-assets/raw/master/tigase/images/tigase-logo.png?raw=true" width="25"/> <img src="https://tc.tigase.net/app/rest/builds/buildType:(id:TigaseMessageArchiving_Build)/statusIcon" width="100"/> </p>

What it is

Tigase Message Archiving Component provides support for message archiving for Tigase XMPP Server.


Tigase Message Archiving Component provides support for:


When looking for support, please first search for answers to your question in the available online channels:

If you didn't find an answer in the resources above, feel free to submit your question to either our community portal or open a support ticket.


You can download distribution version of Tigase XMPP Server which contains Tigase Message Archiving Component directly from here.

If you wish to downloand SNAPSHOT build of the development version of Tigase XMPP Server which contains Tigase Message Archiving Component you can grab it from here.

Installation and usage

Documentation of the project is part of the Tigase XMPP Server distribution package and it is also available as part of Tigase XMPP Server documnetation page.


Compilation of the project is very easy as it is typical Maven project. All you need to do is to execute

mvn package test

to compile the project and run unit tests.


<img alt="Tigase Tigase Logo" src="https://github.com/tigase/website-assets/blob/master/tigase/images/tigase-logo.png?raw=true" width="25"/> Official <a href="https://tigase.net/">Tigase</a> repository is available at: https://github.com/tigase/tigase-message-archiving/.

Copyright (c) 2004 Tigase, Inc.

Licensed under AGPL License Version 3. Other licensing options available upon request.