

database-migrator screenshot

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Tigase Database Migrator

Tigase Database Migrator is component allowing migration of different types of data from various XMPP servers. Currently supports following servers and data:


Complete guide available in documentation

Migrator is a command-line utility. Main class: tigase.db.converter.Converter, if executed without any parameters will display help with all parameters explained:

$ java -cp jars/*:. tigase.db.converter.Converter [options]

Converter options

Following options are supported


When looking for support, please first search for answers to your question in the available online channels:

If you didn't find an answer in the resources above, feel free to submit your question to either our community portal or open a support ticket.


Migrator is included in every distribution of Tigase XMPP Server. Dedicated binaries can be downloaded from our Maven repository


It's a Maven project therefore after cloning the repository you can easily build it with:

mvn -Pdist clean install


<img alt="Tigase Tigase Logo" src="https://github.com/tigase/website-assets/blob/master/tigase/images/tigase-logo.png?raw=true" width="25"/> Official <a href="https://tigase.net/">Tigase</a> repository is available at: https://github.com/tigase/tigase-database-migrator/.

Copyright (c) 2004 Tigase, Inc.

Licensed under AGPL License Version 3. Other licensing options available upon request.