

Web Application Firewall :zap: PHP

Shieldon is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for PHP, with a beautiful and useful control panel that helps you easily manage the firewall rules and security settings.

Shieldon - Web Application Firewall for PHP

build codecov Scrutinizer Code Quality License: MIT



Install via PHP Composer.

composer require shieldon/shieldon ^2

This will also install dependencies built for Shieldon:

shieldon/psr-httpPSR-7, 15, 17 Implementation with full documented and well tested.
shieldon/event-dispatcherSimple event dispatcher.
shieldon/web-securityCollection of functions about web security.
shieldon/messengerCollection of modules of sending message to third-party API or service, such as Telegram, Line, RocketChat, Slack, SendGrid, MailGun and more...


This is basic concepts about how Shieldon works.

How to Use

Integration with Frameworks

There are some step-by-step installation guides that lead you implementing Shieldon firewall on your PHP application. Choose a framework you are using.

Firewall in LaravelFirewall in CakePHPFirewall in SymfonyFirewall in PHPixie
LaravelCakePHP 3SymfonyPHPixie
Firewall in FatFreeFirewall in CodeIgniterrFirewall in Yii FrameworkFirewall in Zend
FatFreeCodeIgniter 3<br />CodeIgniter 4Yii 2Zend MVC<br />Zend Expressive
Firewall in SlimFirewall in Fuel-
Slim 3<br />Slim 4FuelPure PHP project

Listed frameworks: Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii, Zend, Slim, Fat-Free, Fuel, PHPixie. Can't find the documentation of the framework you are using?

There are three ways you can choose to use Shieldon on your application.

Shieldon 2.x implements PSR-7 so that it could be compatible with modern frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, Slim, Yii and so on.

PSR-15 Middleware

Example: Slim 4 framework

In this example, I will give you some tips on how to implement Shieldon as a PSR-15 middleware.

I use Slim 4 framwork for demonstration. This way can be used on any framework supporting PSR-15 too, just with a bit modification.

(1) Create a firewall middleware.

class FirewallMiddleware
     * Example middleware invokable class
     * @param ServerRequest  $request PSR-7 request
     * @param RequestHandler $handler PSR-15 request handler
     * @return Response
    public function __invoke(Request $request, RequestHandler $handler): Response
        $response = $handler->handle($request);

        $firewall = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Firewall($request, $response);

        // The directory in where Shieldon Firewall will place its files.
        $firewall->configure(__DIR__ . '/../cache/shieldon_firewall');

        // The base url for the control panel.

        $response = $firewall->run();

        if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
            $httpResolver = new \Shieldon\Firewall\HttpResolver();

        return $response;

(2) Add the firewall middleware in your application.

For example, if you are using Slim 4 framework, the code should look like this.

$app->add(new FirewallMiddleware());

(3) Create a route for control panel.

For example, if you are using Slim 4 framework, the code should look like this. Then you can access the URL https://yourwebsite.com/firewall/panel to login to control panel.

$app->any('/firewall/panel[/{params:.*}]', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
    $firewall = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Firewall($request, $response);

    // The directory in where Shieldon Firewall will place its files.
    // Must be the same as firewallMiddleware.
    $firewall->configure(__DIR__ . '/../cache/shieldon_firewall');

    $panel = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Panel();


Bootstrap Stage

Example: Laravel 6 framework

Initialize Shieldon in the bootstrap stage of your application, mostly in just right after composer autoloader has been included.

In this example, I use Laravel 6 for demonstration.

(1) Before Initializing the $app

In your bootstrap/app.php, after <?php, add the following code.

| Run The Shieldon Firewall
| Shieldon Firewall will watch all HTTP requests coming to your website.
| Running Shieldon Firewall before initializing Laravel will avoid possible
| conflicts with Laravel's built-in functions.
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {

    // This directory must be writable.
    // We put it in the `storage/shieldon_firewall` directory.
    $storage =  __DIR__ . '/../storage/shieldon_firewall';

    $firewall = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Firewall();

    // The base url for the control panel.
    $response = $firewall->run();

    if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
        $httpResolver = new \Shieldon\Firewall\HttpResolver();

(2) Define a route for firewall panel.

Route::any('/firewall/panel/{path?}', function() {

    $panel = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Panel();
    $panel->csrf(['_token' => csrf_token()]);

})->where('path', '(.*)');

Parent Controller

Example: CodeIgniter 3 framework

If you are using a MVC framework, implementing Shieldon in a parent controller is also a good idea. In this example, I use CodeIgniter 3 for demonstration.

1. Create a parent controller.

Let's create a MY_Controller.php in the core folder.

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct()

2. Initialize Firewall instance

Put the initial code in the constructor so that any controller extends MY_Controller will have Shieldon Firewall initialized and $this->firewall() method ready.

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct()

        // Composer autoloader
        require_once APPPATH . '../vendor/autoload.php';

        // This directory must be writable.
        $storage = APPPATH . 'cache/shieldon_firewall';

        $firewall = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Firewall();

        // The base url for the control panel.
        $response = $firewall->run();

        if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
            $httpResolver = new \Shieldon\Firewall\HttpResolver();

     * Shieldon Firewall protection.
    public function firewall()
        $firewall = \Shieldon\Container::get('firewall');

3. Defind a controller for controll panel.

We need a controller to get into Shieldon firewall controll panel, in this example, we defind a controller named Firewall.

class Firewall extends MY_Controller
    public function __construct()

     * This is the entry of our Firewall Panel.
    public function panel()
        $panel = new \Shieldon\Firewall\Panel();

Finally, no matter which way you choose, entering https://yoursite.com/firewall/panel/, the login page is suppose to be shown on your screen.

The default user and password is shieldon_user and shieldon_pass. The first thing to do is to change the login and password after you login to control panel.

Firewall Panel


Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project! We welcome contributions from everyone. Before getting started, please take a moment to review the guidelines below:


Code Testing

We utilize a Docker image that includes various dependencies for our code testing. The image is based on /tests/Fixture/docker/Dockerfile.

Follow the steps below to run the tests:

The coverage report will be generated in the /tests/report directory. You can view the report by opening the index.html file in your browser.


Shieldon library is brought to you by Terry L. from Taiwan.


Shieldon Firewall is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.