

tedivm's flask starter app


This code base serves as starting point for writing your next Flask application.

This package is designed to allow developers to start working on their specific features immediately while also making it simple to deploy the project into production. It contains a number of configured extensions and libraries as well as unique features specifically built for this package. It also is completely dockerized, with both a docker-compose testenv and the ability to easily make images off of the application for pushing into production.

Rob's Awesome Template

If you like this project you may also like my latest template, Rob's Awesome Python Template. It is updated with modern best practices and a variety of optional services.

Code characteristics

Configured Extensions and Libraries

With thanks to the following Flask extensions and libraries:

In addition the front end uses the open source versions of:

Unique Features

Setting up a development environment

First we recommend either cloning this repository with the "Use this template" button on Github.

We assume that you have make and docker.

# Clone the code repository into ~/dev/my_app
mkdir -p ~/dev
cd ~/dev
git clone https://github.com/tedivm/tedivms-flask my_app
cd my_app

# For the first run, and only the first run, we need to create the first round of SQLAlchemy models.
make init_db

# Create the 'my_app' virtual environment and start docker containers
make testenv

# Restart docker app container
docker-compose restart app

# Start a shell in the container running the application
docker-compose exec app /bin/bash


Application configuration

To set default configuration values on the application level- such as the application name and author- edit ./app/settings.py. This should be done as a first step whenever using this application template.

Configuration File

A configuration file can be set with the environmental variable APPLICATION_SETTINGS.

AWS Secrets Manager

Configuration can be loaded from the AWS Secrets Manager by setting the environmental variables AWS_SECRETS_MANAGER_CONFIG and AWS_SECRETS_REGION.

Environmental Variables

Any environmental variables that have the same name as a configuration value in this application will automatically get loaded into the app's configuration.

Configuring LDAP

Any installation can run with LDAP as its backend with these settings.


Initializing the Database

# Initialize the database. This will create the `migrations` folder and is only needed once per project.
make init_db

# This creates a new migration. It should be run whenever you change your database models.
make upgrade_models

Running the app

# Start the Flask development web server
make testenv

Point your web browser to http://localhost/

You can make use of the following users:

Running the automated tests

# To run the test suite.
make run_tests


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Flask-Dash was used as a starting point for this code repository. That project was based off of the Flask-User-starter-app.
