

Flask-User starter app v1.0

This code base serves as starting point for writing your next Flask application.

This branch is for Flask-User v1.0.

For Flask-User v0.6, see the Flask-User-Starter-App v0.6 branch.

Code characteristics

Setting up a development environment

We assume that you have git and virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper installed.

# Clone the code repository into ~/dev/my_app
mkdir -p ~/dev
cd ~/dev
git clone https://github.com/lingthio/Flask-User-starter-app.git my_app

# Create the 'my_app' virtual environment
mkvirtualenv -p PATH/TO/PYTHON my_app

# Install required Python packages
cd ~/dev/my_app
workon my_app
pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuring SMTP

Copy the local_settings_example.py file to local_settings.py.

cp app/local_settings_example.py app/local_settings.py

Edit the local_settings.py file.

Specifically set all the MAIL_... settings to match your SMTP settings

Note that Google's SMTP server requires the configuration of "less secure apps". See https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en

Note that Yahoo's SMTP server requires the configuration of "Allow apps that use less secure sign in". See https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN27791.html

Initializing the Database

# Create DB tables and populate the roles and users tables
python manage.py init_db

# Or if you have Fabric installed:
fab init_db

Running the app

# Start the Flask development web server
python manage.py runserver

# Or if you have Fabric installed:
fab runserver

Point your web browser to http://localhost:5000/

You can make use of the following users:

Running the automated tests

# Start the Flask development web server
py.test tests/

# Or if you have Fabric installed:
fab test

Trouble shooting

If you make changes in the Models and run into DB schema issues, delete the sqlite DB file app.sqlite.

See also


With thanks to the following Flask extensions:

<!-- Please consider leaving this line. Thank you -->

Flask-User-starter-app was used as a starting point for this code repository.
