

Cloud9 Live CoffeeScript Extension

This live CoffeeScript extension for Cloud9 provides a window view of the live formatted JavaScript output of a CoffeeScript file as you type.

The window provided has the option to view the output with bare compiling (i.e not closure) on or off via a checkbox.


This extension works with c9.io and with self-hosted copies of Cloud9 (either via cloning https://github.com/ajaxorg/cloud9 or npm install cloud9). To install it, open the Tools -> Extension Manager window in Cloud9, and enter the extension path:




for a self-hosted copy.

Click add. You can now view the window via the Edit menu.


Shortcut Keys & Command

This extension comes with the livecoffee command that you can type into the command area to launch the window.

You can also add shortcut keys to your ext/keybindings_default files. Edit default_win.js or default_mac.js depending on your platform. To enable it add the following:

return keys.onLoad({
    "ext" : {
        "livecoffee": {
            "livecoffee": "Ctrl-Shift-K"   

For the Mac, use Command-Option-K, or choose your own key shortcuts.

Author: Tane Piper (@tanepiper)

Thanks to Matt Pardee for helping solve the key and command issues.


A picture of Livecoffee