

<h1>CS/JS Code Browser</h1>

This project lets you see CS and JS code side by side, with lines matched up.

If you would like a tour of the tool, there is a screencast w/audio:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEze_TaORJs&feature=youtu.be (running time 8:54)

Or, just jump in!

  1. Download: git clone git://github.com/showell/CoffeeScriptLineMatcher.git
  2. Find a directory that has .coffee and .js files in it.
  3. (There's an examples directory in this repo; just run "find . -name '*.coffee' | xargs coffee -c" to get js files.)
  4. Launch the web server, supplying the directory and port number as command line parameters: "node dashboard.js . 3000"
  5. View your CS and JS code in the browser.
<h2>Example Usage</h2>
  /tmp > git clone git://github.com/showell/CoffeeScriptLineMatcher.git
  Cloning into CoffeeScriptLineMatcher...
  /tmp > cd CoffeeScriptLineMatcher/
  /tmp/CoffeeScriptLineMatcher > find . -name '*.coffee' | xargs coffee -c
  /tmp/CoffeeScriptLineMatcher > node dashboard.js . 3000
  Server running at http://localhost:3000/