

awesome-eli5 Awesome Tweet Codeship Status for swapagarwal/awesome-eli5 contributions welcome open issues closed pull requests

👶 Technical concepts explained in layman terms! https://git.io/eli5

Going through my Product Hunt feed, I came across a comic that explained How HTTPS Works!

Great for non-tech people, appeals to kids if they need to learn about HTTPS. Something like this should exist for a lot of topics!

Inspired by the above comment by Brad Hodson, I went ahead and created this project to curate similar resources. Contributions are very welcome!! :D



Example: https://github.com/swapagarwal/awesome-eli5/issues/1

Feel free to open an issue (or even better, send a Pull Request) for expanding this list. Contributions are very welcome!! 😄

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Sign up at https://upscri.be/2837a7 to get early access to updates! 💯



To the extent possible under law, Swapnil Agarwal has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.