

<!-- # PyArrowExpressionCastToolkit A small cast tookit class drived from _ParquetDatasetV2 to support cast in filters argument --> <!-- *** Thanks for checking out this README Template. If you have a suggestion that would *** make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request or simply open *** an issue with the tag "enhancement". *** Thanks again! Now go create something AMAZING! :D --> <!-- PROJECT SHIELDS --> <!-- *** I'm using markdown "reference style" links for readability. *** Reference links are enclosed in brackets [ ] instead of parentheses ( ). *** See the bottom of this document for the declaration of the reference variables *** for contributors-url, forks-url, etc. This is an optional, concise syntax you may use. *** https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/#reference-style-links --> <!-- [![Contributors][contributors-shield]][contributors-url] [![Forks][forks-shield]][forks-url] [![Stargazers][stars-shield]][stars-url] [![Issues][issues-shield]][issues-url] [![MIT License][license-shield]][license-url] [![LinkedIn][linkedin-shield]][linkedin-url] --> <!-- PROJECT LOGO --> <br /> <p align="center"> <!-- <h3 align="center">Best-README-Template</h3> --> <h3 align="center">PyArrowExpressionCastToolkit</h3> <p align="center"> <!--An awesome README template to jumpstart your projects!--> <!--Time Series Forecast use Scikit-Hts with params fine-tuned by Hyperopt on multi-feature.--> A small cast tookit class drived from _ParquetDatasetV2 to support cast in filters argument <br /> <!-- <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template"><strong>Explore the docs »</strong></a> --> <br /> <br /> <!-- <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template">View Demo</a> --> <a href="expression_toolkit_cast.py">View Code with Demo</a> <!-- · <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/issues">Report Bug</a> · <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/issues">Request Feature</a> --> </p> </p> <!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS -->

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About The Project

<!-- [![Product Name Screen Shot][product-screenshot]](https://example.com) --> <!-- There are many great README templates available on GitHub, however, I didn't find one that really suit my needs so I created this enhanced one. I want to create a README template so amazing that it'll be the last one you ever need. --> <!-- Time Series Forecast is useful in retail analysis in data analysis and mining. When it comes to hts data --- a data format that apply decoposition on massive data, Many models have built on them. You can have a look at https://otexts.com/fpp2/hts.html Nowadays, Many R packages have be developed. And you can find Scikit-Hts this python framework to perform similar tasks. But there are many limits as follows: * R packages such as gts and Scikit-Hts seems only support uni-feature time series, that you can not add other feature related with time series. * Scikit-Hts have some Bugs with bottom up situation, which can be seen at https://github.com/carlomazzaferro/scikit-hts/issues/35 * Complex params fine-tuned on Prophet and the above framework (Scikit-Hts) may be difficult. -->

PyArrow 2.0.0 introduce Expression into its dataset API, which can used as config filters to ParquetDataset, to perform pre-filter before read in partition level. the actual expression construction of ParquetDataset can be found in filters_to_expression in parquet.py it use field (Expression) to have a formal representation. Expression have cast as its method, so a strightforword infer of the support function is that, One can have a comparison between a field and a object by cast the field into the type of object. For Example, we can compare with pandas datatime :

                ("time_two_pos", ">", pd.to_datetime("1970-01-01 00:24:01.200000001"))

by cast "time_two_pos" field into timestamp, when use time_two_pos as partition key. But it seems not work in the 2.0.0 version.

This project overwrite the ParquetDatasetV2 class expression construction process to have a type level transformation from partitions string to partition cast objects and compare the cast object with another in the pandas space. filter out cast objects and transform them back into partition expression (reduced by some bool combination) to have a final_expression, and apply it to ParquetDatasetV2 filters argument to well-config it.

<!-- Sentiment Analysis is a basic task in NLP. There are some common used feature construction method for this task. Such as : Tf-idf Word2Vec and some basic method based on sentiment dictionary on words. Douban Movie Short Comments Dataset is a classical dataset for Sentiment Analysis. You can take a look at https://www.kaggle.com/weiyunchen/nlp123, which use Tf-idf as feature and build DNN on Douban Movie Short Comments Dataset. This work is inspired by that jupyter notebook. Also use a sample of the full datasets. The Difference is that rather than use Tf-idf or average Word2Vec vectors as sentence vector, This project use Word2Vec and try to merge sentiment dictionary with Word2Vec. The idea is simple, translation the Word2Vec vector to positive space and weighted vector by the sentiment dictionary. The key is the construction of sentiment dictionary. It use simple voting on the full dataset. And filter out some invalid words (contains stopwords and others --- may be gap between sample and population) The conclusion show that the Sentiment Weighted Word2Vec feature improve 6% balance accuracy than simple average Word2Vec feature in Random Forest Model. --> <!-- Here's why: * Your time should be focused on creating something amazing. A project that solves a problem and helps others * You shouldn't be doing the same tasks over and over like creating a README from scratch * You should element DRY principles to the rest of your life :smile: Of course, no one template will serve all projects since your needs may be different. So I'll be adding more in the near future. You may also suggest changes by forking this repo and creating a pull request or opening an issue. A list of commonly used resources that I find helpful are listed in the acknowledgements. -->

Built With

<!-- This section should list any major frameworks that you built your project using. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples. * [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com) * [JQuery](https://jquery.com) * [Laravel](https://laravel.com) * [Prophet](https://www.prophet.com/) * [Scikit-Hts](https://github.com/carlomazzaferro/scikit-hts) * [Hyperopt](https://github.com/hyperopt/hyperopt) * [Gensim](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim) * [Wikipedia2Vec](https://github.com/wikipedia2vec/wikipedia2vec) --> <!-- GETTING STARTED -->

Getting Started

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pip install pyarrow==2.0.0
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  1. Download example Data from kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/retailrocket/ecommerce-dataset?select=events.csv
events_df = pd.read_csv("/home/svjack/temp_dir/events.csv")

events_df["time"] = pd.to_datetime(events_df["timestamp"]).astype(str)
events_df["time_two_pos"] = events_df["time"].map(lambda x: str(x)[:str(x).find(".") + 2] + "0" * (28 - len(str(x)[:str(x).find(".") + 2])) + "1")

event_table = pa.Table.from_pandas(events_df)

write_path = os.path.join("/home/svjack/temp_dir" ,"event_log")
### write it to local
pq.write_to_dataset(event_table, write_path, partition_cols=["event", "time_two_pos"])

### read by condition
filters_objects = [[("event", "in", ["transaction", "addtocart"]), ("time_two_pos", ">", pd.to_datetime("1970-01-01 00:24:01.200000001"))]]
filters_types = [[("event", "str"), ("time_two_pos", "timestamp[ms]")]]

p_path = write_path

Timestamp = pd.Timestamp
exp_cast_ds = _ParquetDatasetV2PartitionCastWellFormatted(
        filters_objects = filters_objects,
        filters_types = filters_types)

all_filtered_df_in_upper = exp_cast_ds.read().to_pandas()

assert np.all(pd.to_datetime(all_filtered_df_in_upper["time_two_pos"]) > pd.to_datetime("1970-01-01 00:24:01.200000001"))

filters_objects = [[("event", "in", ["transaction", "addtocart"]), ("time_two_pos", "<=", pd.to_datetime("1970-01-01 00:24:01.200000001"))]]
filters_types = [[("event", "str"), ("time_two_pos", "timestamp[ms]")]]

Timestamp = pd.Timestamp
exp_cast_ds = _ParquetDatasetV2PartitionCastWellFormatted(
        filters_objects = filters_objects,
        filters_types = filters_types)

all_filtered_df_in_lower = exp_cast_ds.read().to_pandas()

assert np.all(pd.to_datetime(all_filtered_df_in_lower["time_two_pos"]) <= pd.to_datetime("1970-01-01 00:24:01.200000001"))

filters_objects = [[("event", "in", ["transaction", "addtocart"]),]]
filters_types = [[("event", "str"),]]

exp_cast_ds = _ParquetDatasetV2PartitionCastWellFormatted(
        filters_objects = filters_objects,
        filters_types = filters_types)

all_filtered_df_in = exp_cast_ds.read().to_pandas()

assert all_filtered_df_in.shape[0] == all_filtered_df_in_lower.shape[0] + all_filtered_df_in_upper.shape[0]

"filters_objects" can be seen as original "filters" in PyArrow, "filters_types" is the cast type that can retrieve from type_aliases in PyArrow.

<p> <a href="expression_toolkit_cast.py">Code with Demo</a> </p> <!-- ROADMAP -->


<!-- See the [open issues](https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/issues) for a list of proposed features (and known issues). --> <!-- <p> <a href="notebooks/time-series-explore.ipynb">Time Series Data Analysis Notebook</a> </p> You can also step by step run Jupyter Notebooks in /notebooks dir. --> <!-- CONTRIBUTING -->


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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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svjack - svjackbt@gmail.com

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Project Link: https://github.com/svjack/PyArrowExpressionCastToolkit



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