


May I have your attention please?

HDL Checker implements the core functionality of vim-hdl and because it now supports Language Server Protocol, vim-hdl is being deprecated

How to continue using HDL Checker

Any LSP client should work, be it on Vim or other editors.

Have a look at HDL Checker supported editors to check some examples of how to set it up.

But I want to keep using Syntastic!

You'll need to install HDL Checker pip package:

pip install hdl-checker --upgrade


pip install hdl-checker --upgrade --user

Just make sure you can run hdl_checker --version and it should work just fine.


Back when vim-hdl started, Vim did not have the widespread support for LSP it has today and with it I can actually focus in the core functionality and support more platforms at the same time. This last update is likely the last one!

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vim-hdl is a Vim plugin that uses HDL Checker to provide some helpers to VHDL development:

vim-hdl screenshot



cd ~/.vim/bundle/
git clone https://github.com/suoto/vim-hdl.git


In your .vimrc:

Plugin 'suoto/vim-hdl'



vim-hdl requires a configuration file listing libraries, source files, build flags, etc. Select the configuration file via

" Configure the project file
let g:vimhdl_conf_file = '<config/file>'

You use the VimhdlCreateProjectFile command to search and help you setting up the configuration file

:VimhdlCreateProjectFile <optional/path/to/files>

See the wiki for details on how to write it.

Any other Syntastic option should work as well.

You can clone vim-hdl-examples repository and try a ready to use setup.

Supported third-party compilers

Style checking

Style checks are independent of a third-party compiler. Checking includes:

Notice that currently the unused reports has caveats, namely declarations with the same name inherited from a component, function, procedure, etc. In the following example, the signal rdy won't be reported as unused in spite of the fact it is not used.

signal rdy, refclk, rst : std_logic;

idelay_ctrl_u : idelay_ctrl
    port map (rdy    => open,
              refclk => refclk,
              rst    => rst);


If unsure, use vim-hdl issue tracker, it will be moved to HDL Checker issue tracker if applicable.


This software is licensed under the GPL v3 license.


Mentor Graphics®, ModelSim® and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mentor Graphics, Inc.

Altera® and its logo is a trademark or registered trademark of Altera Corporation.

Xilinx® and its logo is a trademark or registered trademark of Xilinx, Inc.

vim-hdl's author has no connection or affiliation to any of the trademarks mentioned or used by this software.