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Deprecated (放弃维护)

Please note that is project is deprecated, Laravel5.1 Version is at https://github.com/summerblue/phphub5

此项目已放弃维护,请前往下载最新版 https://github.com/summerblue/phphub5

PHPHub related projects

You can checkout the others open source projects of PHPHub in the following list.


PHPHub is a Forum project written in Laravel4.2, and it is also the project build up PHP & Laravel China community.

The phphub.org site is entirely open source, and community involvement is not only encouraged, but required in order to ensure the future success of the project.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask them in an issue or email me at cj [at] estgroupe.com

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Requirements and Environment

We use Laravel Homestead for local development. Please review the Homestead documentation to install it.

中文版本的本地环境部署见这里 见 wiki

Step by Step Guide to Setting up the PHPHub Development Environment



On the Project Contributors Page


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Copyright (c) 2014 PHPHub.org

The MIT License (MIT). Please see Opensource MIT License for more information.