

StorageOS cluster-operator

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The StorageOS Cluster Operator deploys and configures a StorageOS cluster on Kubernetes.

For quick installation of the cluster operator, refer to the install section in the releases page.


Refer to the StorageOS prerequisites docs for more information.


  1. Build operator container image with make dev-image. Publish or copy this container image to an existing k8s cluster to make it available for use within the cluster.
  2. Generate install manifest file with make install-manifest. This will generate storageos-operator.yaml.
  3. Install the operator kubectl create -f storageos-operator.yaml
  4. Install a StorageOSCluster by creating a custom resource kubectl create -f deploy/crds/*_storageoscluster_cr.yaml.

NOTE: Installing StorageOS on Minikube is not currently supported due to missing kernel prerequisites. There are custom built Kubernetes in Docker (KinD) node image compatible with StorageOS available at https://hub.docker.com/r/storageos/kind-node.

For development, run the operator outside of the k8s cluster by running:

make local-run

Build operator container image:

make operator-image OPERATOR_IMAGE=storageos/cluster-operator:test

This builds all the components and copies the binaries into the same container.

For any changes related to Operator Lifecycle Manager(OLM), update deploy/storageos-operators.configmap.yaml and run make metadata-update to automatically update all the CRD, CSV and package files.

After creating a StorageOSCluster resource, query the resource:

$ kubectl get storageoscluster
NAME                       READY     STATUS    AGE
example-storageoscluster   3/3       Running   4m

Inspect a StorageOSCluster Resource

Get all the details about the cluster:

$ kubectl describe storageoscluster/example-storageoscluster
Name:         example-storageoscluster
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"storageos.com/v1","kind":"StorageOSCluster","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"example-storageoscluster","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"...
API Version:  storageos.com/v1
Kind:         StorageOSCluster
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-07-21T12:57:11Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    10939030
  Self Link:           /apis/storageos.com/v1/namespaces/default/storageosclusters/example-storageoscluster
  UID:                 955b24a4-8ce5-11e8-956a-1866da35eee2
  Join:  test07
  Node Health Status:
  Phase:  Running
  Ready:  3/3
Events:   <none>

StorageOSCluster Resource Configuration

Once the StorageOS operator is running, a StorageOS cluster can be deployed by creating a Cluster Configuration. The parameters specified in the configuration will define how StorageOS is deployed, the rest of the installation details are handled by the operator.

The following tables lists the configurable spec parameters of the StorageOSCluster custom resource and their default values.

secretRefNameReference name of storageos secret
secretRefNamespaceNamespace of storageos secret
namespaceNamespace where storageos cluster resources are createdstorageos
images.nodeContainerStorageOS node container imagestorageos/node:v2.4.4
images.initContainerStorageOS init container imagestorageos/init:v2.1.0
images.apiManagerContainerStorageOS API Manager container imagestorageos/api-manager:v1.1.3
images.csiNodeDriverRegistrarContainerCSI Node Driver Registrar Container imageVaries depending on Kubernetes version
images.csiClusterDriverRegistrarContainerCSI Cluster Driver Registrar Container imageVaries depending on Kubernetes version
images.csiExternalProvisionerContainerCSI External Provisioner Container imageVaries depending on Kubernetes version
images.csiExternalAttacherContainerCSI External Attacher Container imageVaries depending on Kubernetes version
images.csiExternalResizerContainerCSI External Resizer Container imageVaries depending on Kubernetes version
ìmages.csiLivenessProbeContainerCSI Liveness Probe Container ImageVaries depending on Kubernetes version
service.nameName of the Service used by the clusterstorageos
service.typeType of the Service used by the clusterClusterIP
service.externalPortExternal port of the Service used by the cluster5705
service.internalPortInternal port of the Service used by the cluster5705
service.annotationsAnnotations of the Service used by the cluster
ingress.enableEnable ingress for the clusterfalse
ingress.hostnameHostname to be used in cluster ingressstorageos.local
ingress.tlsEnable TLS for the ingressfalse
ingress.annotationsAnnotations of the ingress used by the cluster
sharedDirPath to be shared with kubelet container when deployed as a pod/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io~storageos
kvBackend.addressComma-separated list of addresses of external key-value store. (,
kvBackend.backendName of the key-value store to use. Set to etcd for external key-value store.embedded
tlsEtcdSecretRefNameName of the secret object that contains the etcd TLS certs.
tlsEtcdSecretRefNamespaceNamespace of the secret object that contains the etcd TLS certs.
pausePause the operator for cluster maintenancefalse
debugEnable debug mode for all the cluster nodesfalse
disableFencingDisable Pod fencingfalse
disableTelemetryDisable telemetry reportsfalse
disableTCMUDisable TCMU to allow co-existence with other storage systems but degrades performancefalse
forceTCMUForces TCMU to be enabled or causes StorageOS to abort startupfalse
disableSchedulerDisable StorageOS scheduler for data localityfalse
nodeSelectorTermsSet node selector for storageos pod placement, including NFS pods
tolerationsSet pod tolerations for storageos pod placement
resourcesSet resource requirements for the containers
k8sDistroThe name of the Kubernetes distribution is use, e.g. rancher or eks
storageClassNameThe name of the default StorageClass created for StorageOS volumesfast

Upgrading a StorageOS Cluster

An existing StorageOS cluster can be upgraded to a new version of StorageOS by creating an Upgrade Configuration. The cluster-operator takes care of downloading the new container image and updating all the nodes with new version of StorageOS. An example of StorageOSUpgrade resource is storageos_v1_storageosupgrade_cr.yaml.

Only offline upgrade is supported for now by cluster-operator. During the upgrade, StorageOS maintenance mode is enabled, the applications that use StorageOS volumes are scaled down and the whole StorageOS cluster is restarted with a new version. Once the StorageOS cluster becomes usable, the applications are scaled up to their previous configuration. Once the update is complete, make sure to delete the upgrade resource to put the StorageOS cluster in normal mode. This will disable the maintenance mode.

Once an upgrade resource is created, events related to the upgrade can be viewed in the upgrade object description. All the status and errors, if any, encountered during the upgrade are posted as events.

$ kubectl describe storageosupgrades example-storageosupgrade
Name:         example-storageosupgrade
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"storageos.com/v1","kind":"StorageOSUpgrade","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"example-storageosupgrade","namespace":"default"},...
API Version:  storageos.com/v1
Kind:         StorageOSUpgrade
  New Image:  storageos/node:1.0.0
  Type    Reason           Age   From                Message
  ----    ------           ----  ----                -------
  Normal  PullImage         4m    storageos-upgrader  Pulling the new container image
  Normal  PauseClusterCtrl  2m    storageos-upgrader  Pausing the cluster controller and enabling cluster maintenance mode
  Normal  UpgradeInit       2m    storageos-upgrader  StorageOS upgrade of cluster example-storageos started
  Normal  UpgradeComplete   0s    storageos-upgrader  StorageOS upgraded to storageos/node:1.0.0. Delete upgrade object to disable cluster maintenance mode

StorageOSUpgrade Resource Configuration

The following table lists the configurable spec parameters of the StorageOSUpgrade custom resource and their default values.

newImageStorageOS node container image to upgrade to

Cleanup Old Configurations

StorageOS creates and saves its files at /var/lib/storageos on the hosts. This also contains some configurations of the cluster. To do a fresh install of StorageOS, these files need to be deleted.

WARNING: This will delete any existing data and won't be recoverable.

NOTE: When using an external etcd, the data related to storageos should also be removed.

ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --endpoints http://storageos-etcd-server:2379 del --prefix storageos

The cluster-operator provides a Jobresource that can execute certain tasks on all nodes or on selected nodes. This can be used to easily perform cleanup task. An example would be to create a Job resource:

apiVersion: storageos.com/v1
kind: Job
  name: cleanup-job
  image: darkowlzz/cleanup:v0.0.2
  args: ["/var/lib/storageos"]
  mountPath: "/var/lib"
  hostPath: "/var/lib"
  completionWord: "done"
    - matchExpressions:
      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker
        operator: In
        - "true"

When applied, this job will run darkowlzz/cleanup container on the nodes that have label node-role.kubernetes.io/worker with value "true", mounting /var/lib and passing the argument /var/lib/storageos. This will run rm -rf /var/lib/storageos in the selected nodes and cleanup all the storageos files. To run it on all the nodes, remove the nodeSelectorTerms attribute. On completion, the resource description shows that the task is completed and can be deleted.

$ kubectl describe jobs.storageos.com cleanup-job
Name:         cleanup-job
Namespace:    default
  Completion Word:
  Host Path:            /var/lib
  Image:                darkowlzz/cleanup:v0.0.2
  Completed:  true
  Type    Reason        Age   From                       Message
  ----    ------        ----  ----                       -------
  Normal  JobCompleted  39s   storageoscluster-operator  Job Completed. Safe to delete.

Deleting the resource, will terminate all the pods that were created to run the task.

Internally, this Job is backed by a controller that creates pods using a DaemonSet. Job containers have to be built in a specific way to achieve this behavior.

In the above example, the cleanup container runs a shell script(script.sh):


set -euo pipefail

# Gracefully handle the TERM signal sent when deleting the daemonset
trap 'exit' TERM

# This is the main command that's run by this script on
# all the nodes.
rm -rf $1

# Let the monitoring script know we're done.
echo "done"

# this is a workaround to prevent the container from exiting
# and k8s restarting the daemonset pod
while true; do sleep 1; done

And the container image is made with Dockerfile:

FROM alpine:3.6
COPY script.sh .
RUN chmod u+x script.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["./script.sh"]

The script, after running the main command, enters into a sleep state, instead of exiting. This is needed because we don't want the container to exit and start again and again. Once completed, it echos "done". This is read by the Job controller to figure out when the task is completed. Once all the pods have completed the task, the Job status is completed and it can be deleted.

This can be extended to do other similar cluster management operations. This is also used internally in the cluster upgrade process.

Job (jobs.storageos.com) Resource Configuration

The following table lists the configurable spec parameters of the Job custom resource and their default values.

imageContainer image that the job runs
argsAny arguments to be passed when the container is run
hostPathPath on the host that is mounted on the job container
mountPathPath on the job container where the hostPath is mounted
completionWordThe word that job controller looks for in the pod logs to determine if the task is completed
labelSelectorLabels that are added to the job pods and are used to select them.
nodeSelectorTermsThis can be used to select the nodes where the job runs.

TLS Support

To enable TLS, ensure that an ingress controller is installed in the cluster. Set ingress.enable and ingress.tls to true. Store the TLS cert and key as part of the storageos secret as:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: "storageos-api"
  # echo -n '<secret>' | base64
  # Add base64 encoded TLS cert and key.


StorageOS supports the Container Storage Interface (CSI) to communicate with Kubernetes.

CSI credentials are required for deploying StorageOS. Specify the CSI credentials as part of the storageos secret object as:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: "storageos-api"
  # echo -n '<secret>' | base64