

Multi-Tool for Spotify

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version: 2.0.2 Minimum PHP Version: 8.2 PHP-FIG license: MIT Total Downloads

A handy command-line application for archiving playlists, searching your library for tracks, or creating playlists with complete artist catalogs.

๐Ÿค” Why?

Initially, it was an automatic (CronJob) playlist archiving tool for "New Music Friday" playlists from popular EDM labels. It allowed me to compensate for FOMO when I didn't have time to discover new music right away.

Over time, I developed the desire to rewrite the otherwise lifelong beta (never touch a running system) and sprinkle some structured overhead on top ;-)

๐Ÿ“– Table of Contents

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary> </details>

โ›“ Features

๐Ÿš€ Getting Started



Download or Clone the Project

composer create-project stevenfoncken/multitool-for-spotify-php


git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/stevenfoncken/multitool-for-spotify-php.git

Now cd into the project directory.

Install Dependencies via Composer

Skip when create-project was used.

composer install



cp config/.env.dist config/.env

Set your timezone in APP_TIMEZONE - List of Supported Timezones.

Connecting to Spotify's Web API

multitool-for-spotify-php needs to connect to Spotify's Web API in order to function.

  1. Log in to the Spotify Developer Dashboard.
  2. Click Create app.
    • Choose name, description, website
    • Redirect URI: http://localhost:10276/mtfsp-auth-callback
    • Check Web API
  3. Click Save
  4. Click Settings
  5. Copy Client ID to .env SPOTIFY_API_CLIENT_ID
  6. Copy Client Secret to .env SPOTIFY_API_CLIENT_SECRET

It should look like this (but with your own values):

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Run: php bin/console mtfsp:auth
  3. Follow the displayed instructions.

Now you are ready to use multitool-for-spotify-php ๐ŸŽ‰


Playlist Archiving

php bin/console mtfsp:archive [--mail] <playlistIDsOrCSV>

Each playlist has a snapshot ID that is written to the description of the archived playlist to check whether the playlist has already been archived.

A new archive playlist is only created if the content (so the snapshot ID) has been changed.

Example of the name of an generated archive playlist: SFY-2024-06-Top 50 Global (PREFIX-YYYY-WW-SUFFIX or PLAYLIST_NAME)

You can choose between single playlist IDs or a path to a CSV file as an argument:

Argument playlist ID:

Single or comma-separated spotify playlist ID(s).

Argument CSV file path:

CSV headerDescriptionRequired
Playlist_Name_PrefixCustom abbreviation e.g. SFY for spotify playlists. Uses ARCHIVE when not set.No
Playlist_Name_SuffixCustom playlist name. Uses the playlist name when not set.No
Playlist_Sort_Orderdesc => recent added tracks at top, asc => oldest added tracks at top. Uses playlist default oder when not set.No
Playlist_IdThe ID of the spotify playlist.Yes
TagsFor personal use.No

The CSV must be separated by semicolons. Example: playlists-to-archive.dist.csv

Option for mailing:

If you set the mail env vars in your .env file, you can use --mail to receive notifications when the archiving process is complete.

This is particularly useful when using a CronJob.

List Archived Playlists

php bin/console mtfsp:archive:list-playlists

Delete Archived Playlists

php bin/console mtfsp:archive:delete-playlists

Currently all archived playlists will be deleted. But multiple "are you sure" checks will protect you from hasty mistakes ;-)

Create Artist Catalog Playlist

php bin/console mtfsp:artist:catalog-to-playlist <artistId> [<playlistId>]

If you specify a playlist ID, the catalog will be added to this playlist, otherwise a new playlist will be created.

Search Library Playlists for a Given Track

php bin/console mtfsp:search:track-in-library [--withArchived] <trackIdNeedle>

Set --withArchived if you want to include archived playlists in the search.

๐Ÿ”จ Development

Tech Stack

The project is built using the Symfony Console component.

โ˜‘๏ธ TODOs

โœจ Future Features


Please see CHANGELOG.md for more information on what has changed recently.

Help & Questions

Start a new discussion in the Discussions Tab.


... is welcome.

Just fork the repository and create a pull request.

For major changes, please first start a discussion in the Discussions Tab to discuss what you would like to change.

IMPORTANT: By submitting a patch, you agree to allow the project owner(s) to license your work under the terms of the MIT License.

Thank you!

๐Ÿ‘ค Author

multitool-for-spotify-php is primarily written and maintained by:

๐Ÿฆœ Steven Foncken

๐Ÿค Credits

Like most software, multitool-for-spotify-php is build upon third-party code/libraries which was/were written by others.

I would therefore like to thank the people below for open-sourcing their work:

Project: jwilsson/spotify-web-api-php

Author: @jwilsson (Jonathan Wilsson)

Copyright (c) Jonathan Wilsson

License: MIT

Project: symfony/console

Author: @fabpot (Fabien Potencier)

Copyright (c) 2004-present Fabien Potencier

License: MIT

... and more, see composer.json.

๐Ÿ’› Support

If this project was helpful for you or your organization, please consider supporting my work directly:

Everything helps, thanks! ๐Ÿ™

โš–๏ธ Disclaimer

"Spotify" is a registered trademark of "Spotify AB" and/or its (worldwide) subsidiaries.

This project or its author is in no way officially connected to, affiliated with, associated with, authorized by, built by, endorsed by, licensed by, maintained by, promoted by, or sponsored by "Spotify AB" or any of its affiliates, licensors, (worldwide) subsidiaries, or other entities under its control.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This is an independent project that utilizes "Spotify"s Web API to perform various tasks in the personal account.

Before taking legal action, please contact this address: dev[at]stevenfoncken[dot]de

Use at your own risk.

๐Ÿ“ƒ License

multitool-for-spotify-php is licensed under the MIT License.

See LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) 2020-present Steven Foncken <dev[at]stevenfoncken[dot]de>

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