

<p align="center"><img src="./public/readme-header.png" width="100%"></p>

Mouseless Messenger

Mouseless Messenger offers you rapid keyboard-driven access to send and read conversations in the macOS Messages app via Alfred — all without ever interacting with the Messages app.

<p align="center"><b><a href="https://github.com/stephancasas/alfred-mouseless-messenger/releases/latest">Click Here to Download the Latest Release</a></b></p>


Before the workflow can be used, you'll need to provide Alfred with Full Disk Access privileges via System Preferences:

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Choose Security and Privacy
  3. Choose Privacy
  4. Select Full Disk Access
  5. Unlock the 🔒 in the bottom left corner.
  6. Enable the checkbox for Alfred or use the ➕ button to add Alfred.

Privilege Escalation

Full Disk Access is used to provide Alfred with access to the Messages database. However, by providing Alfred with this access, you are providing ALL Alfred workflow with access — not just Mouseless Messenger.

Be sure you trust your installed workflows before allowing this.


The workflow is triggered by the keyword msg. On run, you'll be provided with your eight (8) most recent conversations in the Messages app.

Support the Workflow

I built Mouseless Messenger because I code all day and don't like to take my hands off the keyboard. If you find it useful, please consider buying me a coffee so that I can keep building cool things like this.

If you have a feature you'd like added, or an issue which needs attention, please open an issue here on GitHub.


MIT — Hell yeah, free software!