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Starcoin - a smart contract blockchain network that scales by layering

net proxima using move with table extension feature. If you want to use it, you should compile dev branch.

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Build and Test License codecov LoC

Binary file description

The starcoin project comes with several wrappers/executables, release indicates whether the binary is included in the release archive.

CommandSRC DirectoryReleaseDescription
starcoincmd/starcointrueOur main Starcoin CLI client. It is the entry point into the Starcoin network. We can use it to run a node, or connect to a another node as an interactive console. starcoin --help and the CLI reference for command line options.
mpmvm/move-package-managertrueMove Package Manager(mpm) is a command line tool to develop move projects, like Cargo for Rust, or NPM for NodeJS.
starcoin_minercmd/miner_clienttrueA CPU miner client for starcoin.
starcoin_db_exportercmd/db-exportertrueA tool for exporting or importing data from or to the starcoin database.
starcoin_generatorcmd/generatortrueA tool for generate genesis file or mock data.
airdropcmd/airdropfalseA tool for batch transfer Token based on a csv file.
genesis-nft-minercmd/genesis-nft-minerfalseA tool for claim the GenesisNFT, All address in the file contrib-contracts/src/genesis-nft-address.json.
starcoin-faucetcmd/faucetfalseA tool for providing a simple faucet web service
starcoin-indexercmd/indexerfalseA tool for creating index on Elasticsearch for starcoin's block and transaction, etc.
merkle-generatorcmd/merkle-generatorfalseA tool for generating merkle data from a detail csv file of a distribution, for airdrop by merkle tree.
resource-exportercmd/resource-exporterfalseA tool for export resource from starcoin state database.
tx-factorycmd/tx-factoryfalseA tool used to generate transactions, generally for testing or benchmark.
starcoin-replaycmd/replayfalseA tool for replay block data from a database to a new database.
starcoin-peer-watchercmd/peer-watcherfalseA sample app for join starcoin p2p network and print the discovered peer info.

Build from source

cargo build --release 

For prerequisites and detailed build instructions please read Build from source document.

Install binary

Download binary release from GitHub releases page.

Or install by one-line script:

curl --proto '=https' -O --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/starcoinorg/starcoin/master/scripts/install_starcoin_mpm.sh | sh install_starcoin_mpm.sh v1.11.12

Run dev node:

starcoin -n dev console

More detailed dev instructions please read Run starcoin dev network document.

Join a test network

starcoin -n barnard console

Join main network

starcoin -n main console

Connect to remote node

Connect to the main network seed nodes:

starcoin --connect ws://main.seed.starcoin.org:9870 console

note: Account-related commands cannot be used when connecting remotely

Connect to the main network seed nodes and use a local account database for using Account-related commands

starcoin --connect ws://main.seed.starcoin.org:9870 --local-account-dir ~/.starcoin/main/account_vaults console

More detailed test network info please read Join starcoin test network.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what makes the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated.

Please try to create bug reports that are:

You can learn more about contributing to the Starcoin project by reading our Contribution Guide and by viewing our Code of Conduct.

Code Layout

You could find the introduction of each code directory here for helping to understand the organization of codes.


Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:


Starcoin is licensed as Apache 2.0.