LemonRestBundle Demo App
This is a symfony standard edition application using the LemonRestBundle and ng-admin to show easy it is to create a simple REST api. For more information please consult the bundle's documentation.
This application is deployed to if you'd like to see it in action. The database is reset every minute.
Or try it out yourself...
composer.phar install
php -S localhost:8383 -t ./web/
Then hit http://localhost:8383 in your browser and enjoy!
The configuration for ng-admin was generated using NgAdminGeneratorBundle written by jpetitcolas you can check this out by running the following command:
./app/console ng-admin:configuration:generate > ./web/js/config.js
You will need to edit the bottom of ./web/js/config.js to set the base uri and application title, like so:
var admin = NgAdminConfigurationProvider
.application('LemonRestBundle Demo')
.baseApiUrl(location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '') + '/app.php/api/')