<table> <tr> <td><img width="20" src="" alt="archived" /></td> <td><strong>Archived Repository</strong><br /> This code is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it, but use it at your own risks. </td> </tr> </table>NgAdminGeneratorBundle
You're a fan of StanLemonRestBundle because it makes REST APIs based on Doctrine entities a piece of cake? You starred ng-admin because you love the idea of a JavaScript-powered administration panel consuming a REST API? Then, you will love NgAdminGeneratorBundle, the Symfony2 bundle that bootstraps ng-admin based on a Doctrine-powered REST API!
Setting up bundle
Using this bundle in your own project is pretty straightforward, thanks to composer:
composer require marmelab/ng-admin-generator-bundle
Then, register it to your AppKernel.php
file. The NgAdminGeneratorBundle should only be used in development:
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
// ...
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
$bundles[] = new \marmelab\NgAdminGeneratorBundle\marmelabNgAdminGeneratorBundle();
// ...
No more configuration, you are now ready to go!
ng-admin template sample
Here is a Twig template to render your favorite administration panel:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Administration Panel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('components/ng-admin/build/ng-admin.min.css') }}"/>
<body ng-app="myApp">
<script src="{{ asset('components/angular/angular.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('components/ng-admin/build/ng-admin.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('ngadmin.conf.js') }}"></script>
<div ui-view></div>
If you got a blank page, ensure you have set correctly the ng-app
and ui-view
Generating your ng-admin configuration
This bundle just adds the ng-admin:configuration:generate
command to your application. By default, it outputs a JavaScript configuration based on the REST API defined by StanLemonRestBundle into STDOUT. You are free to redirect STDOUT into the file of your choice:
./app/console ng-admin:configuration:generate > public/js/ng-admin-config.js
Tip: Thanks to the Symfony2 Console component, you can truncate parts of the command name and call the ng-admin:c:g
Configuration sample
Here is a sample of an auto-generated configuration, based on the stanlemon/rest-demo-app demo application. This application sets up the same entities as the official ng-admin demo app, i.e. Posts, Comments, and Tags. The generator simply uses entity mapping to better know which fields to use.
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-admin']);
// Deal with query parameters expected by StanLemon bundle
app.config(function(RestangularProvider) {
RestangularProvider.addFullRequestInterceptor(function(element, operation, what, url, headers, params) {
if (operation == "getList") {
// custom pagination params
params._start = (params._page - 1) * params._perPage;
params._end = params._page * params._perPage;
delete params._page;
delete params._perPage;
// custom sort params
if (params._sortField) {
params._orderBy = params._sortField;
params._orderDir = params._sortDir;
delete params._sortField;
delete params._sortDir;
// custom filters
if (params._filters) {
for (var filter in params._filters) {
params[filter] = params._filters[filter];
delete params._filters;
return { params: params };
/* Define a `config` block for each entity, allowing to split configuration
across several files. */
app.config(function($provide, NgAdminConfigurationProvider) {
$provide.factory("PostAdmin", function() {
var nga = NgAdminConfigurationProvider;
var post = nga.entity('post');
// Dashboard (as list) won't display referenced list of items.
nga.field('id', 'number'),
nga.field('title', 'string'),
nga.field('body', 'text'),
// We limit to 3 number of fields displayed on dashboard
nga.field('id', 'number'),
nga.field('title', 'string'),
nga.field('body', 'text'),
// Take more meaningful field. Here, use `name` instead of `id`
nga.field('tags', 'reference_many')
.listActions(['show', 'edit', 'delete']);
// Do not display id: we don't have any yet
nga.field('title', 'string'),
nga.field('body', 'text'),
nga.field('tags', 'reference_many')
// No referenced_list either, as that's a brand new entity
nga.field('id', 'number').readOnly(), // don't modify id
nga.field('title', 'string'),
nga.field('body', 'text'),
nga.field('tags', 'reference_many')
nga.field('comments', 'referenced_list')
nga.field('id', 'number'),
nga.field('body', 'text'),
nga.field('created_at', 'date'),
/* To ease configuration per view, we repeat every field every time. If you want to display same fields
across views, you can use for instance `post.editView().fields()` to get edition fields. */
nga.field('id', 'number'),
nga.field('title', 'string'),
nga.field('body', 'text'),
nga.field('tags', 'reference_many')
nga.field('comments', 'referenced_list')
nga.field('id', 'number'),
nga.field('body', 'text'),
nga.field('created_at', 'date'),
return post;
// Same config block for comments
// Same config block for tags
app.config(function(NgAdminConfigurationProvider, PostAdminProvider, CommentAdminProvider, TagAdminProvider) {
var admin = NgAdminConfigurationProvider
.baseApiUrl(location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '') + '/api/')
Your feedback about the usage of this bundle is valuable: don't hesitate to open GitHub Issues for any problem or question you may have.
All contributions are welcome. New applications or options should be tested with the phpunit
NgAdminGeneratorBundle is licensed under the MIT Licence, courtesy of marmelab.